Search result(s): 1171 - 1185 of 1302 » Department » Computer Science

design and implementation of booking and management software system

ABSTRACT The research work, design and implementation of Hostel booking management system designed a system that helps to check ,record and analyses both staff and customer information. The designed system help to eradicate cases of pilferage, unauthorized access, double file, etc. the software is developed on direct data capture machine (DDCM)... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of books and library lending management system

ABSTRACT Library management, its operation has never been easy to run effectively manually, lending of books, records of returned books, books in the library, its shift and many more. This research work will dwell more on developing and implementing a comprehensive library management system capable of handling the library operation, like book le... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of exam-time-table generating system

ABSTRACT This paper presents a graph-coloring-based algorithm for the exam scheduling application, with the objective of achieving fairness, accuracy, and optimal exam time period. Through the work, we consider few assumptions and constraints, closely related to the general exam scheduling problem, and mainly driven from accumulated experience a... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of exam-time-table generating system

ABSTRACT This paper presents a graph-coloring-based algorithm for the exam scheduling application, with the objective of achieving fairness, accuracy, and optimal exam time period. Through the work, we consider few assumptions and constraints, closely related to the general exam scheduling problem, and mainly driven from accumulated experience a... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of face detection and recognition system

ABSTRACT Face recognition and detection is one of the most important fields of the modern applications. Face recognition system uses two sub-systems named face detection system and image database system. Face recognition can be of feature based and image based. Feature based method uses features like skin color, eyes, nose and mouth to detect... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of management system

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study The importance of computer and its application have been recognized globally. The impact computers to the society have been felts in hotels booking system. Computer booking system (CBS) has brought a lot of change improvement and efficiency in hotel operation. Continue Reading

Computer Science

critical evaluation of sospoly on line registration a student user preception

ABSTRACT This study examined critically evaluate student’s perception on online registration in Sokoto State University. In order to realize the objective of the work, some research questions with corresponding hypotheses were formulated. A total of 101 students in the Department of Computer science, Guidance and Counselling were used from a p... Continue Reading

Computer Science

designing and implementing a transacting system or an atm machine

DESIGNING AND IMPLEMENTING A TRANSACTING SYSTEM OR AN ATM MACHINE ABSTRACT This project is aimed at designing and implementing a transacting system or an ATM machine for Eco Bank Plc, Obosi Onicha. Specially, this study covered the activities of financial institutions in mobilizing cash payments and given the larger part of it to customers who ... Continue Reading

Computer Science

computer based security and monitoring system for forensic experts

Computer based security and monitoring system for forensic experts CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The world is becoming a smaller place in which to live and work. A technological revolution in communications and information exchange has taken place within business, industry and homes. Most developed and developing ... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of an automated nysc mobilization control system

ABSTRACT This project work is aimed at studying the procedure for NYSC mobilizing and posting system for the purpose of automating the system for effectiveness and efficiency. Nigerian University students are sent on a one year National youth service corps after their graduation from the university Continue Reading

Computer Science

automated revenue computation software for water corporation

ABSTRACTS The means through which Otukpo local government water board funds its corporation leaves much to be desired. This result has called for research study to be carried out on automated revenue computation software for Water Corporation with the local government as a case study. Continue Reading

Computer Science

hospital management information system

ABSTRACT Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) is refers to a computer based system that provides hospital with the tools to organize evaluate and efficiently manage departments within the hospital. MIS has five parts namely: hardware, software, procedure, people and data. The method adapted in carrying out this work is the “structures... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of hospital management information system

ABSTRACT Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) is refers to a computer based system that provides hospital with the tools to organize evaluate and efficiently manage departments within the hospital. MIS has five parts namely: hardware, software, procedure, people and data. Continue Reading

Computer Science

a practical study on procedures techniques of major assembling of computing device

ABSTRACT Computing has been a major aspect of the computer science that deal with the operational sector of the computer device, its compilation has been the essential and integral part of the whole system, the sequential procedure must be analyze, and its algorithm flexible. The researcher embarked on this study to practically analyze its techn... Continue Reading

Computer Science

secure file transmission system using steganographic algorithm: data embbedment using jpeg

ABSTRACT Images are the most populous cover files for steganography algorithm because of their large amount of redundant bits that are suitable in the transmission of information over the internet. The joint photographic Expert Group (JPEG) is example of images formats that uses the compression techniques. The JPEG is the most populous image fil... Continue Reading

Computer Science

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