ABSTRACT Considering the fact that our country is still developing, there are a lot to be done to improve the way information is processed in our licence wait before been attended to. In view of this project work analyses the current procedure used in our motor licensing offices to issue licence to drivers renew expired licence legislation of v... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project title is written to help hospitals especially UNIVERSITY OF BENIN TEACHING HOSPITAL in the areas they encounter problems in keeping their attendance scheme for patient and the solution given to tackle problem such as transforming the existing manual attendance scheme for patients system in which the existing problems invol... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION. The rate of increase in error in students’ grade computation in an examination is very high due to the use of manual methods. This had revealed that the significance of a well-organized CGPA compiler for calculating student CGPA cannot be underrated. The CGPA compiler is a program used ... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The wireless networking for a local area networking is the modern trend in networking today, which is very imperative for network to access its impact operational performance so as to connect two or more computer together. The methodology of wireless networking implementation for local area network are network that link two or more com... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The aviation industry is largely dependent on timely and accurate information, most especially, in an era of advancing technology where time and speed is an important factor. The ticketing and reservation system eliminates unnecessary bureaucracy and duplication of data. The report generated by the system will provide the airline rese... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION In most organizations particularly business organizations, most of what goes on consists largely of transactions. A transaction is a recorded event having to do with routine business activities. This includes everything concerning the product or service in which the organization is engaged: production, distr... Continue Reading
Abstract The business-to-consumer aspect of electronic commerce (e-commerce) is the most visible business use of the World Wide Web. The primary goal of an e-commerce site is to sell goods and services online. This project deals with developing an e-commerce website for Online Book Sale. It provides the user with a catalog of different books a... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Information technology is the use of computer and other telecommunication device in processing data. It is also a systematic method of applying scientific knowledge to problem solving. This project considers the evaluation of information technology usage in secondary schools. With the use of information technology equipment in secondary... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Computers are becoming and increasingly common part of everyday life and producing compute literature graduation is a key concern in any modern university. Compute is an essential tool in many areas including business, industry, government, science and education, indeed, it has touched near... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The term Network Security and Information Security are used often inter �“changeably. Network Security is generally taken as providing protection at the boundaries of an organization by keeping out intruder (or hackers). Information Security however, explicitly focuses on protecting data resources from malware (or ma... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION TO WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) can be defined as a group of independent nodes, communicating wirelessly over limited frequency and bandwidth [1]. The novelty of WSNs in comparison to traditional sensor network is that they depend on dense deployment and coordination to execute their task successfully.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The world over continues to grow in population, size and sophistication Technology. It becomes sector on which the teeming population depends in for knowledge also grows. Be it as it may, the Nigerian situation is such that we, for the state of advantages associated with technological growth have started computerizing most industries... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the programming skills possessed by a computer science education student for self-employment Anambra State.The population of the study comprises a sample of a total of 100 computer science education students in both Federal and State universities in Anambra State. Three research questions guided th... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Presently in today’s institution, there is a geometric rise in the number of students admitted with a ration in the number for each department and level of study This variation in the number of students has posed a problem in allocating halls into consideration for student Based on this, there is a so much need for a system that woul... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Library is a fast growing organism. The ancient methods of maintaining it are no longer dynamic and efficient. For expeditious retrieval and dissemination of information and better service for the clientele, application of modern techniques has become absolutely indispensable. A properly computerized library will help its users with qui... Continue Reading