DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ELECTRONIC TICKETING SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study In the advanced world like China, Britain, Australia and the United State of America, ticketing system are usually automated with the use of internet and e-commerce. Smart cards are usually used to make payment and ticket gener... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN NYSC POSTING SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) is a scheme organized to have fresh Nigeria graduates passed through a one year orientation and training programmed. The scheme which was established in 1973 by the federal government of... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PATIENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION Generally, computer has played an important role in global economy in various ways. The Computer is used in many different fields such as in education for learning, in entertainment ind... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF QUERY AND COMMENDATION SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF STUDY In an Academic environment such as universities , polytechnics and collages information sharing is very necessary and important to the s... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF TASK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY In every business environment, the timeline to execute various tasks assigned to employee is paramount towards ensuring the efficiency of the organization. According to Wikipedia, Task is defined as an act... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A WEB BASED DRUG INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses the background to the study, statement of the problem, objectives of study, significance of study, scope of study, limitations of study and operational definition of terms. 1.1 BACKGR... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A STUDY PLANNER FOR MOBILE DEVICES (ANDROID PLATFORM) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY A study plan is an organized schedule that students create to outline time for study and learning goals. Just like with work or school schedules, university students should develop a... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF EVENT SCHEDULING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of study The continuous advancement in the information and communication technology as contributed a lot to the universe, making life easier for individual, organization, institution and every field now see the importan... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF STUDENT ATTENDANCE MONITORING SYSTEM USING FINGERPRINT CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Attendance management of students in institution can be rigorous using the conventional method of paper sheets and old file system method. Every academic institution poses some standards concerning h... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ATM POINT LOCATOR USING GPS CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Mobile technology has really accelerate in terms of it advancement to the extent that it has limitlessly left mobile application developers with no choice but to continue in it manipulation o... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A MOBILE AND WEB APPLICATION FOR THE AUTOMATION OF LIBRARY TASK ABSTRACT Libraries play a vital role in the educational, industrial and technological progress of a country, of which it role is to achieve a free flow of information from the point of generation to the point of utilization efficiently and ... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ONLINE CLEARANCE SYSTEM FOR GRADUATING SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION This chapter covers the ideas of what this project entail, why is project is carry out and what is to be achieved at the end of the work. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The internet has c... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A ROAD TRANSPORT BOOKING SYSTEM .CHAPTER ONE. .INTRODUCTION. 1.0 .INTRODUCTION. In this Chapter, the author. will be presenting sections on the background study of the Booking System which is currently used in Niger State Transport Authority (NSTA) Minna, statement of the pr... Continue Reading
PREDICTING STUDENT PERFORMANCE USING FUZZY LOGIC CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The increasing demand for education in Nigeria especially tertiary education has been an issue in recent times. Government�“owned tertiary institutions as well as those privately owned do not possess the capacity a... Continue Reading
PREDICTING STUDENT PERFORMANCE USING NEURAL NETWORK CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Background of the Study Education is an essential factor for improving the socio-economic, cultural, and political development of a country; for this reason, its role cannot be overemphasized (Ajayi & Ekundayo, 2008). In our contemp... Continue Reading