CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study. The monitoring and control of vehicular traffic and pedestrians pose a major challenge to transport authorities around the world. The escalating number of vehicles in cities not only has a huge environmental impact, but also results in loss of lives on the road. This situation deman... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION Most current information systems are connected to the Internet for efficiency and convenience. However, the growth of accessibility makes the systems vulnerable to attackers. A web server is a program that runs over the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol which has client-server mode to serve clients with files and o... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION The class timetabling problem is a typical scheduling problem that appears to be a stressful job in every academic institute. In previous years, timetable scheduling was done manually with a single person or group of individuals involved i... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study In the olden days, financial institution in Nigeria did almost all their transactions manually, to allow customers perform their financial transactions and other banking processes. The customers have to form a queue which ends up consuming a lot of consumer’s time and is not ... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Loan service for small organizations individuals was initiated after a number of considerations on the banking system. Major Banks are mainly guided by financial profit for their shareholders. They are after minimization of financial risks. Such strategies don’t leave much room to people on low income or even sma... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Every government establishment has a means of generating money, which is accountable to the government body. Individual, groups and companies contribute their own quota to the development of their society in different ways. Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The ways computer application is embrace in every aspect of human life shows that every activity, organization cooperation, companies, hospitals etc. need to be computerize. Hospital activities are not exceptional in this computerized world. The information revolution age is a result of ... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project was centered on card based security system. The current process of security is being operated manually and due to this procedure numerous problem are been encountered. A design was taken to computerized the manual process in order to check this problem. The problems were identified after series of interviews and examination... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project was centered on computerized stadium management information system. The current process of management is being operated manually and due to this procedure numerous problem are been encountered. A design was taken to computerized the manual process in order to check this problem. The problems were identified after series of ... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The manual approach used in the regulation of the school activities by the management board is very tedious and stressful. This research work investigated into the complications encountered due to the debilitation of man-power admitted into the school management with respect to how indepth it affects other operational system that conduc... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project is to address the problems encountered by the staff of custom and their customers. In view of this problems, the manual process involved in the handling and management of goods in custom office were critically studied and the problems noted. This project went further to treat the different techniques used in implementing th... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Regrettably, it is worthy to note that several years after independence, that the statutory allocation is in the doldrums, people expectation on the government continues to rise. Every responsible government is always anxious to provide at least the very basic amenities for the people in addition to the payments of salaries and allowanc... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research study look into the design and implementation of computerized visa processing system to members of the public seeking for visa or renew for Nigerians within or abroad. The traditional methods of issuing and renew visa do not go well with Nigerian. Chapter three discusses the design method for the research study, the web-ap... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Unemployment in the present day Nigeria resulted from different misgivings and lack of direct approach to by those concerned to tackle this problem. There are very few jobs compared to the large number of citizens up to the age of being in the labor force. In recent years, subsequent governments and corporate bodies have one way or the ... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The computer system has become a handy tool that can be conveniently applied to all fields of human endeavor. It has even become essential for solution of problem ion moist spheres of life. The main objective of this study is to develop a system that will document and record the names and activities of the of tourism destination in ower... Continue Reading