Search result(s): 166 - 180 of 1302 » Department » Computer Science

design and implementation of a computer based library indexing system

ABSTRACT A library system is an information system that serves a population of users. The term “Information system” is normally used in situations where an organization is considered as a whole with respect to its information requirement and information utilization. In a library environment, “indexing has remained the means of text and d... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of a profited datbase system for governemnt establishment

ABSTRACT The problem which always emanate from inadequate personnel information maintenance and management has been a torn in the flesh of the entire Nigerian society, Enugu state precisely. In other to proffer solution to the existing problems, the project work researched into the modus operandi of personnel database management syste... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of an on-line entrance examination system

ABSTRACT The computer as an electronic and electromagnetic device is known for its versatile range of uses in every area of human endeavour more especially in scientific and mathematical calculations. Although little thought has been given to designing a complete and concise intelligence test on a computer system online in our pre... Continue Reading

Computer Science

he design and implementation of a computerised career choice counselling system

ABSTRACT The presence of guidance and counselors in school is not just for the sake of it, they are there to direct student on the area they psychologically find them fit. The job of guidance and counseling towards a future carrier is not an easy one, the student has to be followed regularly within attitude and academic performance so ... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of a computerised crime record system

ABSTRACT As the complexity and degree of crimes wider, system Nigeria new technology will have to be utilized to aid lawyers and criminologist to fight this tends, on computerized crime record will offer a solution on this issue. It is a software set up in order to meet the information needs of every part of the agency about crime record. The ... Continue Reading

Computer Science

the use of multimedia in teaching and learning of computer science

ABSTRACT This project work has looked into the use of multi media in teaching and learning of computer science, a case study of Oredo local government area. The research sample consisted of 70 students from secondary schools the schools were selected based on their location in the local government area. These include St. Mary dedication school, ... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of a computerized measuring index for a nation gnp

ABSTRACT Gross National product the most widely used measure of the cyclical ups and down of the economy and to monitor economic growth. In conjunction with measure of Labour and capital input, it provide indicators of nations productivity. This GNP is a primary focus in the analysis of the current economy situation outside, of mac... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of a computerized office inventory system

ABSTRACT This project is on design and implementation of a computerized office inventory system that is based on a system of valuation known as office system due to pluctuation of market price. The project is also aimed at finding out how computer can be applied to office inventory system. The prevalent method of controlling invent... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of a computerised market survey reporting system

ABSTRACT This project is based on the possible exploration of computer Technology in Today society in market surveying in the daily discharge of duties. This project involves the design and development of computerized market survey report analysist. The design will enable the user to achieve a desirable ... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of software for mortgage banking

ABSTRACT This project work which is conducted to meet the stipulation of the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) for the award of National Diploma in computer science deals with the application of computer in Mortgage Banking operations. It addresses using a sophisticated computer software in handling the existing manual re... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of computerized economic growth monitoring system

ABSTRACT Federal Ministry of Finance has always monitoring how economic growth is moving in this Nation. After the granting of internal autonomy to regions in 1946, there have been subsequent fiscal commission, military decrees Actes of Parliaments that reviewed both dreamed earning structure for Government. In the cause of this re... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of computerized directory of business

ABSTRACT The software package used in this protect is quick Basic which centered on soloing the problem of relational business activities arising from modern transactions For the fact that individual, private and public organization have problem of visiting their clients or customer in different locals for a particular purpose, this then give... Continue Reading

Computer Science

effects of government ownership and control of mass media on media objectivity

ABSTRACT This project takes a look at the “Effect of Government Ownership and Control on Mass Media Objectivity. Government controlled media can be seen simply to be media that operates in a government controlled environment. There are three main concepts behind media that have emerged from such an environments. The term is often used in contr... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of a weather forecasting package for aviation industry a case study of portharcourt international airport

ABSTRACT This Project work is based on weather forecast package for aviation industry using Port-Harcourt International Airport (Omagwa) as a case study. The Occurrence of plane crash in the country toady has given much concern and desire to carry out this “Design and Implementation of a whether fore-casting package for aviation industries”. ... Continue Reading

Computer Science

the role of information technology in safety and security management

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Information technology (IT) plays a critical role in many businesses and organization including safety and security management. Safety and Security Management focuses on the safety and security of people, organizations and public spaces. It meets a growing demand in the labour market especially in the micro finance ba... Continue Reading

Computer Science

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