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design and implementation of fingerprint verification system for crime abstract

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF FINGERPRINT VERIFICATION SYSTEM FOR CRIME ABSTRACT CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction Reliable criminal suspects’ recognition is an important problem in crime investigation process. Biometrics recognition is becoming an irreplaceable part of many identification systems. While successful in some niche mark... Continue Reading

Computer Science

online pool business system

ONLINE POOL BUSINESS SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction Wargames and historical simulations have been popular pastimes since the last half of the Twentieth Century. Furthermore, their value as tools for the teaching and reinforcement of creative decision-making has been recognised since Georg von Reisswitz first introduc... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of online student clearance system using data mining techniques

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ONLINE STUDENT CLEARANCE SYSTEM USING DATA MINING TECHNIQUES CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction Data mining, is the extraction of hidden predictive information from large database, is a powerful new technology with great potential to help companies focus on the most important information in their data warehouses. Dat... Continue Reading

Computer Science

regional weather forecasting system

REGIONAL WEATHER FORECASTING SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere for a given location. Human beings have attempted to predict the weather informally for millennia, and formally since the ninet... Continue Reading

Computer Science

students academic performance prediction using decision tree

STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE PREDICTION USING DECISION TREE CHAPTER ONE 1.0. Introduction In an educational system, a large amount of data is kept. This data may be students’ data, alumni data, teachers’ data, non-teaching staff data, resource data, and so on. Educational data mining is used in discovering the patterns in these data f... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of a web based sim registration system for mtn nigeria

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A WEB BASED SIM REGISTRATION SYSTEM FOR MTN NIGERIA CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION “SIM Card Registration System” is a system which is usedby the user for the purpose of managing and saving different SIM Card holders of different service providers. This project provides very sincere way of keepi... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of apartment management system

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF APARTMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1.0 GENERAL INTRODUCTION It is safe to say that most activities such as apartment allocation carried out in most cities in Nigeria are done manually. Therefore, there is a lot of strain on the individuals running the apartment. An Apartment Management... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of a web base app


Computer Science

design and implementation of network monitoring system

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Network monitoring takes note of slow or failing systems and notifies the network administrator of such occurrences. Such notifications can take the form of email massage, page alerts, or plain old phone calls. No matter what form they take, network problem massage should take the highest priority. Network moni... Continue Reading

Computer Science

drug procurement and institution tracking system

DRUG PROCUREMENT AND INSTITUTION TRACKING SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY Computerization is defined as the control of processes by computers and its peripherals. Today it would be difficult to think of any process, business or action that could not have profited from the numerous benefits of the computer system.... Continue Reading

Computer Science

development of document routing system online application and approval of loan

DEVELOPMENT OF DOCUMENT ROUTING SYSTEM ONLINE APPLICATION AND APPROVAL OF LOAN ABSTRACT An online loan website would allow AccionMFB to access online application, website, application information from any convenient location, using a single user ID and password. They would be able to do transactions online. Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of data mining for medical record system

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF DATA MINING FOR MEDICAL RECORD SYSTEM ABSTRACT Data mining is the extraction of hidden predictive information from large database which helps in predicting future trend and behavior thereby helping management make knowledge driven decisions. The data mining tool designed is to aid in quick access and retrieval of ... Continue Reading

Computer Science

designing a computer software for the registration of patients fsdt&t clinic/laboratory

DESIGNING A COMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR THE REGISTRATION OF PATIENTS FSDT&T CLINIC/LABORATORY ABSTRACT The study was aimed at designing a computer software for registration of patient’s in FSDT&T clinic/laboratory. The work was reviewed from text books, journals, website which highlights the process of designing of designing the software using wa... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design of a national identity card system

DESIGN OF A NATIONAL IDENTITY CARD SYSTEM ABSTRACT This project is aimed at improving along lasting processing and administration system on National Identity card. It is also aimed at keeping records of all processing and administration system for national Identity card with view of modifying it into a full computerized system. The study cove... Continue Reading

Computer Science

expert system on typhoid and malaria diagnosis

EXPERT SYSTEM ON TYPHOID AND MALARIA DIAGNOSIS ABSTRACT This project, Expert system on Malaria and Typhoid Diagnosis, is a software system tailored for use in the diagnosis of malaria and typhoid diseases. The software is an expert system with a database containing an expert knowledge. The user only uses it to determine whether he or she ha... Continue Reading

Computer Science

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