Search result(s): 1246 - 1260 of 1302 » Department » Computer Science

design and implementation of an online radio streamer application

ABSTRACT This research work deals with an online radio streaming application. Chapter one is an introduction to the project to describe what the project entails. It discusses the problems in the existing system. Also described in chapter one are the aim, the objectives, the significance and the limitation of the study. Chapter two is the literat... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of commercial vehicle registration and task management system in a campus

ABSTRACT Commercial vehicle registration is a job that requires accuracy of data and this exercise is required for every new registration. The emergence of e-data processing system provides answer to the need for tools and alternative ways to improve well-being and activities of individuals. This work design and implementation of a campus commer... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of network connectivity and traffic control of mtn network in nigeria.

The world is fast becoming a global village and a necessary tool for this process is communication of which telecommunication is a key player. The quantum development in the telecommunications industry all over the world is very rapid as one innovation replaces another in a matter of weeks. A major breakthrough is the wireless telephone system whic... Continue Reading

Computer Science

mobile computing location management system

TABLE OF CONTENT Approval/Certification ii Dedication iii Acknowledgement ... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of automated revenue computation software for water corporation

Approval/Certification ii Dedication iii Acknowledgement iv Table of... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of computer based marketing information system

Approval/Certification ii Dedication iii Acknowledgement iv Table of... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of a certificate verification system

Certificate verification system is a system designed to computerize the process of adding certificates and verifying the certificates records considering the problems faced by doing this manually. The system was studied and relevant officials were interviewed to acquire the required data. This designed system allows for easy retrieval of informatio... Continue Reading

Computer Science

fingerprint recognition using matlab

Human fingerprints are rich in details called minutiae, which can be used as identification marks for fingerprint verification. The goal of this project is to develop a complete system for fingerprint verification through extracting and matching minutiae. To achieve good minutiae extraction in fingerprints with varying quality, preprocessi... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of claim based biometric authentication system over the cloud

In spite of their widespread use and ubiquity, passwords are unreliable as an authentication methodology because they can be hacked or even guessed, yet when it comes to biometrics it is very hard to impersonate someone. Therefore, biometric authentication schemes are currently widely recognized as the strongest authentication technologies av... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of a computerized budgeting system


Budgeting with special emphasis on Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu has the trust and reliability and credibility of information and record. To establish and implement a computerized measures and an alternative to the present manual budgeting as regards to budgeting system, one should be abreast of unattestation and unrealistic re... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and simulation of a personnal computer temperation control system

This research work centers its study on temperature and its control with a view of designing and implementing a reliable computerized system that will automatically contribute in temperature control. The new system will be able to automatically detect temperature within a particular environment at a particular time and be able to give the desired... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and simulation of a microprocessor- based industrial arm

A system to control a hydraulic industrial arm using a4- bit microcomputer is described. A supervisory minicomputer can handle global routines such as science analysis and task and trajectory planning while the microcomputer attends to the control of the arm. The microcomputer monitors arm joint positions and sensors, and maintains current joint... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of state civil service payrol accounting system


This project work express the issue of designing and implementing a state civil payroll acknowledges (speed and accuracy) over the more tedious inefficient and true consuming manual system. This system encounters the following problems. Late receipt of raw data each month, regular break down of the accounting machine presently used for data proce... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of interactive website for internet banking


This project work is concerned with the use of the Internet in banking operations, a case study of the All State Trust Bank Plc Enugu. The Internet in acts over evolving state is becoming a serious method of business communication and data transfer worldwide. As such banks and other financial institutions are beginning to use the Internet as new... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of computerized stock marketing report


This research is intended to highlight the role of a computerized Stock Marketing Report information system in NSEC Compare to the manual system of Stock Marketing Report. To identify the various problems involve in the existing Stock Marketing Report information system of NSEC is the purpose of this research and to the proffer solutions to the... Continue Reading

Computer Science

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