1.1 Background of the Study The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) is a programme that involves Nigerian graduates in the development and integration of their country. The scheme covers a one yearprogrammewhere graduates are posted randomly within the country to serve their fathers land with all diligence and patriotism. Every year more than 5... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In this project, an e-learning platform for students in various fields was designed from reviewing relevant literatures with the aims of positively revolutionizing the educational process by making education much more practical, and relevance-based as w ell as effectively bridging the gap between students, schools, and their tutors/inst... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Collaborative work and file management is one of the major functions in any organization. According to the Collins English dictionary, 11th edition, collaboration entails working together to achieve a common goal. It is a recursive process where two or more people or organizations work together in order to realize shared goals. Traditio... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work sets out to improve the file management processes in organisations. It has been observed that the major problem of file management system is that accessibility and availability to stored files is limited to users in that particular environment which also limits the collaborative sharing of electronic data over a large ... Continue Reading
Abstract Stadium management contributes to an effective combination of skills related to planning, organizing, and evaluating within the context of an organization or department whose primary product or service is related to stadium or physical activity. This field became more popular as a result of the massive population increase in the lovers ... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In recent decades the tourism sector has grown rapidly to become a pillar of the global economy, political cooperation, social change and far �“ reaching advances in technology; both in communications and infrastructure. Tourism has closely been connected to progress of Information Communication Technology for over 30 years. Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work has led to the development of a data encryption system that organizations and individuals can use for secure data communication, and to keep private/secret information as confidential as possible. The Waterfall model was used in the analysis of the existing systems and identification of lapses/weaknesses. These weakne... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research focused on design and implementing a system that will solve the challenges faced by INEC commission, in terms of effective administrative management and project implementation among others. It started with the execution of a thorough investigation and analysis of the manual system and finally to the design and implementati... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The most complex, and most times difficult department to manage in an organization is the personnel, i.e. people working there. Proper and adequate management of the human resource of any organization, be it business, government, military, religious or academic organization propels the growth of the organization and brings about a condu... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION The Staff Management System which entails the building of a system to help the Administrators of the Office of the Secretary to the State Government (OSSG) to effectively manage employee information originally stored in paper which had a mixture of smooth progress and setbacks. During this work, the researcher had... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT An undergraduate at some point of his academic year of study is faced with so much challenges keeping an accurate CGPA every academic session. Most times, he surfs the net for solution, he ends up not finding a GP calculator compatible with the his school format. Hence this project is designed to curb the problem students face in compu... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study, design and implementation of web based crime records system, is centered on using web applications to enable an easy, secured and fast way reporting crime and complaints. Chapter one x-rayed the aim of the project which is centered understanding the research work and presenting a statement of problem, and ensuring that objec... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to provide online classroom that will be running alongside the traditional classroom system, complimenting and making up for all the areas in which it is lacking, like in the area of space, effective communication of knowledge. It can go a long way to make provision to web application also known as web software ... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Airline industry has always been famous for its continuous struggle: cutting costs, managing fluctuating demand, keeping up with tight quality requirements while trying to maintain superior services and satisfy needs of various customer groups. Customer satisfaction has been on very low levels for decades. According to American Customer... Continue Reading
Historically, this was most commonly achieved through signature or performance, but in many jurisdictions �“ especially with the advance of electronic commerce �“ the forms of acceptance have expanded to include various forms of electronic signature. Contracts can be of many types, e.g. sales contracts (including leases), purchasing contracts, p... Continue Reading