Search result(s): 76 - 90 of 339 » Department » English and Linguistics

an appraisal on the impact of oil industry on the economic development

ABSTRACT This study centre’s on the impact of oil industry in the Economic Development of Nigeria. In investing the above data were obtained through questionnaires administration method. The mean analysis method was used to analyzed the responses, elated from respondents and meaningful conclusion drawn from it, it was discovered that fact... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

influence of mother tongue in learning of english language among igbo speaking learners in selected secondary schools

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study Language is the most distinctive human quality and attribute. Language ischaracterized by a set of vocal sounds which can be decoded. Language does notexist in a vacuum. It is always contextualized. There is a relationship betweenlanguage and society. The importance of the relationship between lan... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

problems of teaching english language as a second language in nigerian secondary school

ABSTRACT Although English language is now the language of government, business and commerce, education, the mass media, literature and internal as well as external communication, there are still problems in the teaching of English as a second language in secondary schools. Students presume that English language is a difficult language to learn a... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

paradox of location and poetry in yeibo's the forbidden tongue and ikiriko's oily tears of the delta

Abstract This work aims at discovering the inimical acts of crude oil exploitation in the Niger Delta region as portrayed through select poems in the anthologies of Yeibo and Ikiriko respectively. The main objectives of this study is to discover the “paradox” of the location of the oil wealth region in the nation being the poorest and most ... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

a study on the effect of pidgin english on nigerian students

CHAPTER 1 Background to The Study: The term pidgin is used to refer to a language which develops in a situation where speakers of different languages have a need to communicate but do not share a common language. Once a pidgin has emerged, it is generally learned as a second language and used for communication among people who speak differently. ... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

grammatical errors in secondary school students english essays

ABSTRACT This Research Work focused on the gramatical errors in the English essays of Secondary Schools Students. The research was conducted on essays written by thirty (30) Students of the above school. The analysis of the essays revealed the deficiencies of some of the Students in using English tense. In the use of the present tense, for insta... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

the problem of oral expression in english language

ABSTRACT The study targets the problem of oral expression among students in some selected junior secondary school in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. some researcher questions were formulated to guide the direction of the study. A review of related literature was carried out to find out the views of other writers on the topic studied. B... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

a linguistic stylistic analysis of the campaign speeches of two presidential candidates in the 2011 elections


English and Linguistics

'corruption in the novels of adaobi nwaubani tricia s i do not come to you by chance and labo yari s the climate of corruption

Abstract Corruption has long been harmful and dangerous to the development of Nigeria systems. This study therefore, sheds light on the scourge of materialism and relevant institutions. The sociological theory, which supports investigation unto the function of systems in the society, has been deployed in this study. One of the findings of the re... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

a pragmatic analysis of political interviews in a selected daily newspaper. (the punch)

A PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS OF POLITICAL INTERVIEWS IN A SELECTED DAILY NEWSPAPER. (THE PUNCH) CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION Language is an instrument of thought or concept which gives clear and vivid meaning of human expression for the purpose of human interaction. In any speech community, if there must be interaction, language must be in ... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

a discourse analysis of athol fugard s sizwe bansi is dead

A DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF ATHOL FUGARD’S SIZWE BANSI IS DEAD CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction This chapter introduces the background of the research topic and describes its scope in addition, the purpose and justification for the study are also discussed. It concludes by giving the biography of the author of th... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

a pragmatic analysis of selected cartoons in vanguard newspaper.

A PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS OF SELECTED CARTOONS IN VANGUARD NEWSPAPER. CHAPTER ONE 1.0 GENERAL INTRODUCTION Pragmatics is a shift from strict grammatical rules to a situational language use.It is a linguistic theory that studies meaning from the perspectives of language users, communication code and socio-cultural conventions. He... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

a pragmatic analysis of slang and catchy phrases used in some selected nigerian hip-hop songs

A PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS OF SLANG AND CATCHY PHRASES USED IN SOME SELECTED NIGERIAN HIP-HOP SONGS. ABSTRACT Slangy expressions and catchy phrases are deliberately used in hip-hop songs in order to reduce the degree of vulgarity in the content of the song so as not to disrupt society moral norms, and to increase the rate of acceptability of such s... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

a pragmatic study of newspaper comic strips: an example of efe and jude

A PRAGMATIC STUDY OF NEWSPAPER COMIC STRIPS: AN EXAMPLE OF “EFE AND JUDE” ABSTRACT In this study, we undertook a pragmatic study of newspaper comic strips, using “Efe and Jude” as an example. Pragmatics deals mainly with the use of language by a speaker and how the meaning can be interpreted by the hearer. The aim of this research wor... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

a pramatic analysis of selected cartoons from nigerian dailies the ‘guardian, the punch, and the nation

ABSTRACT This work investigates how meaning is derived in an utterance through cartoons. It aimed at a pragmatic analysis of selected cartoons from these Nigerian dailies: The Guardian, The Punch and The Nation, in order to know the different functions of language in relation to context using Participants, Implicature, Inference, Presupposition,... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

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