Search result(s): 286 - 300 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

assessment of community participation in the karu urban upgrading project


The community-based urban development project in Karu delivered some basic municipal facilities in the beneficiary communities but it was not clear whether these gains have resulted from effective community participation and partnering in the project. The main objectives of the research were to assess the community participation component in the Ka... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of organisational leadership for knowledge management practice in the nigerian construction industry

The Nigeria Construction Industry (NCI) is characterised as slow to innovation and lacks the capacity to deliver when juxtaposed with other developing countries with similar developmental challenges at about the 1970s; despite the industry state in Nigeria, researches have continued to suggest ways of improving service delivery in the industry. One... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of residents' attitudes towards recreation in bida-nigeria

Attitudes are essentially important in determining a people’s peculiarities and response to services provided. This study, titled ‘assessment of residents’ attitudes towards recreation in Bida-Nigeria’ was achieved through field observation and the administration of 969 structured questionnaires using systematic sampling to select responden... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the adoption of an appropriate oil burning system for small scale ceramic firing in nigeria

In the course of the research, three different designs of oil burners were identified for adoption and the one considered the most viable among the three was carried through the stage of fabrication. Tests were then administered to Justify claims of reliability. The tests involved firing glazed bodies up to 1250�C in five trial runs of 11; hours e... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an evaluation of architectural features as means to enhance well being in autism centres


Care of autistic individuals has become a global challenge in recent times. The environment of care for autistic individuals should be conceived and designed with certain architectural features in mind. Studies has shown that the built environment has been used as a means to enhance healing for autism, which includes the use of the shape, color, or... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an evaluation of sustainable design strategies to enhance energy efficiency in conference centres

Sustainable design strategies are strategies that seek to promote the quality of indoor and outdoor environment by reducing negative impact on building and the natural environment. Energy efficiency which is a key factor of sustainable design is especially critical for conference centers with their typically large volumes of space and great variati... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

application of bioclimatic architecture principles in the design of hotel at katsina nigeria

This paper presents the application of bioclimatic principles in architectural design whose applicability is modified by region and building type. It highlights the bioclimatic principles necessary to achieve environmentally-friendly indoor environment and energy saving strategies. The aim of the research is therefore to develop a theoretical solut... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

table loom fabrication and product development

This study is informed by the need to sustain weaving craft in Nigeria as a means of attaining the following: the much desired socio-economic and cultural growth; selfreliant development and rural Industrialization; and the development and preservation of our cultural heritage. Evidently, it has concentrated on the following: fabrication of a modif... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

evaluating energy efficiency in the design of large scale office building in hot-dry climate of nigeria

This research sought to improve the level of energy consumption in large office buildings through improved technological installation of efficient appliances and passive design in order to reduce the negative impact of buildings to their physical environments. Energy efficiency during the buildings operational period may be achieved through passive... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

evaluating user needs in the design of public library, kaduna: integrating cyber community

Public libraries are institutions that have great impact on the development of knowledge base of the society. This is because they are the information hub available and open to the general public. This information has over the years been stored traditionally in print format. Here is where the problem lies today. The users (study area, North-Western... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

use of building forms as acoustical treatment in the design of an idoma cultural centre


Acoustic is an important factor in theatre that had not been given extensive concern during architectural design under building form, eventually Architects during the conceptual design stage had barely paid attention to building form that affect the acoustic environment inside theatre halls. Eventually the importance of a dead sound became more imp... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the formulation of glazes using raw materials from selected states in north eastern nigeria

The formulation of glazes using raw materials from selected states in north eastern Nigeria. This study explored some raw materials from North Eastern Nigeria suitable for the development of glazes for use in pottery studios and tertiary institutions. The study was set to: explore, identify and obtain some suitable raw materials for development of ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

exploring regenerative architecture principles in the design of oguta blue lake resort hotel


The effects of climate change and earth degradation in Nigeria is evident in flooding, damage to infrastructure around ecotones, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity. The built environment being the site for cultural and economic activities contributes greatly to environmental degradation, thus a key area to frontier sustainable development. The... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

building maintenance policy formulation: a market oriented approach

Building Maintenance has been a neglected area in its technological, managerial and above all economic aspects until recently in Nigeria. The turn towards it has been largely due to the worsening economic situation, resulting in high cost of new construction. The emphasis in this study is to present the need for well managed programmes to extend th... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an appraisal of factors militating against the effective implementation of formal risk management techniques in project delivery


Non utilization of Formal Risk Management Techniques in project delivery by the project team has been identified as one the causes of project failure This prompts the question ‘what factors are responsible?’ This study therefore first presents Risk management in project delivery as it relates to an integrated project team as well as internal is... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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