Search result(s): 211 - 225 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

redevelopment proposal for the national museum kaduna the application of indigenous nigerian architectural elements in contemporary museum architecture

This thesis report is an attempt to encourage the application of traditional architectural elements in contemporary museum architecture and also to uplift the solemn atmosphere which exist around several museums today that make them unpopular and boring. The redevelopment of the national museum Kaduna using indigenous architectural elements as an a... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

upgrading of gidan sarki, fanisau, kano evolution of architecture in kano palaces

A Palace is a large grand house where a ruling King or Queen officially lives. Hausa Palaces were planned solely as residence and quarters for administration and various social ceremonies. Kano Emirate has the unique feature of possessing ample palaces , apart from the primary residence of the Emir ( Gidan Rumfa).They are reffered to as Partial (da... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

transformation in hausa traditional residential architecture

Housing has to satisfy both the initial human shelter need and the additional needs as they arise. Such additional needs may be as a result of changes in the original need; changes in economic status, socio-cultural needs, spatial needs or just the addition of new needs, as well as the availability or affordability of building materials. The change... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

niger delta complex, architectural resp0nse to changing socio-cultural demands

The Niger Delta is amongst least well served in the Country. Successive governments have exploited the natural wealth of the Delta but put very little back in terms of infrastructure and service. Over recent years, the natural environment has been seriously damaged by mineral extraction and deforestation the latter due in large measure to oil compa... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

nigerian curatorship and the exhibition of contemporary african art works

The work of this thesis contributes to debates about cultural representation as it relates to the exhibition of contemporary African art works. The central themes of enquiry are the qualification and quality of Nigerian curatorship, and what contributions Nigerian curators are making in the redefinition of contemporary African art works, in light o... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

functional monumentality: an architectural study "communications, computer and data technologies

The starting point of this thesis is not the monument, rather the monumentality is the end product of the synthesis of an idea, an on-rushing phenomenon and an impulse to express human aspirations on a worthy scale - a functional monumental is that attempts to graft our technological knowledge on all branches of the human tree. The architectural fo... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

niger state ceramic projects


Massive construction of dwellings is one of both the federal and Niger State Governments priorities and its being promoted positively. With the siting of the new federal capital ABUJA at the door steps of Niger State and the availability of ceramic raw materials within the State especially around Suleja the former Abuja (Abuja pottery is internatio... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

effect of storage environment on grains longevity


Considerable amount of grains arc lost annually in the country. The losses are attributed to lack of or poor storage facilities. In most part of Nigeria, farmers store their grains in traditional storage structures. However, about 30% - 40% of grains stored in these structures are often lost to insects, rodents, birds, micro-organisms, five and the... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

growth and development studies of sunflower (helianthus annuus l.) as influenced by plant density and sowing date

Investigation was carried out at Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria, during the 1986 cropping season to study the effects of four plant populations (30,000; 60,000; 120,000 and 240,000 plants/ha), three sowing dates (July 2, 16 and 30) and two varieties (isaanka and Funtua) on growth characters, yield and yield components and seed quality of sunflower. Increas... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

host-plant resistance and response to selection in sorghum to head bugs

Three resistant sorghum cultivars used as males were crossed to three susceptible sorghum cultivars used as females in a factorial mating system. The resultant nine F, hybrids were advanced to F2 generation and screened for resistance by artificially infesting each sorghum panicle with 10 pairs of head bugs (Eurystylus oldi (Poppius)) using the 'no... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

empirical determination of labour outputs for block laying in f.c.t


The source and nature of output constants used for preparation of construction estimates should be accurate and reliable for the client to have confidence on the prepared estimates. This research is focused on using time study approach to empirically determine the outputs of block laying work items inconstruction industry. The study reviewed BESMM3... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

modelling building construction durations in nigeria

Following widespread acceptance by researchers that the effects of qualitative/managerial construction time-influencing factors need to be considered in project scope-based construction time predicting models, several multivariate models combining project scope and qualitative/managerial factors have been developed. However, it has been shown in li... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the use of rice straw in the production of compressed straw slabs

The properties of compressed straw slabs were investigated. The aim of the study is to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the compressed straw slabs (CSS) produced using rice straw. The study consists of extensive literature review of available relevant literature and laboratory tests. After review of literature which served as bac... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the suitability of huskscrete blocks as construction units

With the aim of developing construction units from the waste materials from agriculture, a study was made on how suitable Rice husks could be as an aggregate in Building blocks making. As far as possible the properties of Rice husks as an aggregate were found. It has specific gravity of 1.27, water absorption 162 percent by weight and needs W/C of ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an appraisal of the implementation of the kano comprehensive tourism masterplan, nigeria.

Tourism developments plans are prepared to ensure orderly growth and development of the tourism industry .When the implementation outcomes of such plans are defined, the conventional approach is usually based on the ‘ex-post evaluation’. It is done long after the implementation of the plan is completed to enable identification of short comings ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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