Search result(s): 121 - 135 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

assessment of the integration scheme in abuja


The thesis presents a review and assessment of integration - one the policies adopted for the resettlement of the populations affected by the new Federal Capital development project in Abuja, Nigeria. The other policies, tried before the introduction of integration are complete and partial resettlement with varying degrees of measures to evacuate t... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of the role of federal government in physical development of metropolitan kano

This study examines the role and responsibilities among the three tiers of Government in the Federation as provided in the constitution and other legal provisions. But focuses particularly on the activities of Federal Government in Kano Metropolis. The research assesses some Federal Government exclusive functions and other concurrent functions shar... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

evaluating lessons learned practices (llps) in public private partnership (ppp) projects in nigeria

The increasing complexity, duration and multitude of parties involved in a typical PPP procurement process, have made several studies to stress the importance of proactive and systematic capture of project knowledge through the use of formal lessons learned practices (LLP). The conduct of LLPs in the procurement of PPP projects has the potentials o... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a study of selected artists from fine arts department ahmadu bello university zaria and their contributions to the development of contemporary art in nigeria (1981-2002)

This thesis is based on twelve-selected artist from fine Arts Department, Ahmadu Bello University who graduated from 1981 - 2002. The selected artists were chosen out of twenty five artists who were sent questionnaires based on their performance in their post graduate activities. Such artists have acquired great technical experience in the art of w... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

acoustical absorptive properties of multi-layered polylactic acid, cotton nonwoven batts and needle-punch fabrics.

This study investigated the absorptive properties of non woven cotton and Poly lactic acid materials. The non woven materials used in this study are batts and fabrics made from 100 percent cotton and 100 percent poly lactic acid fibers. These are biodegradable from natural source and are environmentally friendly. The fibers were characterized for t... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

credit facilities in the financial institutions for financing construction projects in nigeria

Sometimes construction contractors had to seek external means of raising fund to progress work. Thus, the need for this study titled “Credit Facilities In The Financial Institutions For Financing Construction Projects In Nigeria.” The study aims at articulating existing credit facilities, their procurement, disbursement and utilization. In the ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

evaluation of facilities and materials for teaching ceramics in some selected colleges of education


This study was designed to evaluate the status of facilities, equipment and materials for effective teaching of ceramic education in Colleges of education in North - East Geo- Political Zone of Nigeria. The study evaluated the availability and functionality of facilities, equipments and materials used for teaching ceramic education in the Colleges ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

compost manufacturing industry, kano: towards reducing maintenance problems in composting industries

Industrialization is a major process for economic development of any nation. The present economic situation has prompted the Federal government to seek for ways of diversifying the economic base, hence the emphasis on industrialization and agricultural development. A significant challenge confronting engineers, scientists and environmentalist in de... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

al-muntada al-islami national headquarters abuja - nigeria: the evolution of islamic architecture in nigeria

Architecture in its varied forms and limitless dimensions has been over the course of time and still, exerts an nu-ebbing demand on both designer and user. The demand is for compliance with culture on the one hand and the ever growing 'high-tech' of modern life on the other. Alongside these dipoles, there is the demand for consistency and ease of u... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an assessment of the impacts of planning controls on residential developments in kaduna metropolis

The exercise of statutory control over the physical development of Urban centres has, since the Industrial Revolution of the Nineteenth Century, become a major planning practice. This is because the city has increasingly occupied people's minds, as a subject of study. Indeed, planning controls have today won a great deal of the concern of both gove... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

evaluation of the contributions of the national council for arts and culture to natioal development

The main objective of the study is to evaluate the contribution of National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC) to National Development. Since its inception in 1975, the extent to which the council has achieved its stated objectives has not been determined. A comparison of reports in the arts and cultural sector reveals an increasing need for infor... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

evaluation of the institutional framework of urban transport


The research aims at determining the level of integration that exists between the various transport institutions/agencies in Kaduna Metropolis with a view to identifying the problems and proposing a management framework for efficient service delivery. Data for the study were obtained from the semi-structured questionnaire, participant observation a... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

demand estimation for outdoor recreational activities in kaduna metropolis

Amongst the crucial challenges faced by the recreation planner is that of translating the recreational needs of the population into reality. This the recreation planner does through preparation of recreation plans. In preparing a recreation plan the factors of demand ( population, education, income, mobility, employment) are largely considered in e... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a survey of factors affecting the performance of secondary school students in drawing in three selected schools in zaria

The investigations involved gathering of information from schools in Zaria. Three schools: Kufena College, Basawa Teachers' College, and Zaria Teachers' College were examined by stratified sampling method. Three methods were used in collecting the data. The first was Questionnaire, the second was interviews, and the third was the observational meth... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an appraisal of cost-based information management methods at the design stage of building projects in nigeria

This study assessed the methods that the design team members use to manage the information that is based on the cost (client’s budget) of the project, and also their efficacy. It also examined factors limiting members of the design team from adopting modern cost-based information management methods. In addition, it examined the attitudes of desig... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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