Gombe being a new state capital, is faced with new and increasing physical planning and developmental programmes. There are problems of Planning, implementation and management of recreational facilities especially as it relates to the changing forms of recreation in the town. Recreational activities are observed to have been changing, this changes ... Continue Reading
Although the primary motivation for participation in recreation is personal enjoyment, it may result in intellectual, physical and social growth of an individual. Different approaches have been used in the planning and development of recreational facilities, they are however, found to be inadequate for sustainable recreational development. This stu... Continue Reading
The growth of shopping activities in high density residential areas, specifically in Tudun- Wada District of Kaduna Urban Area is more prominent along residential streets. Shopping activities are more intensive in areas that are in close proximity to the Central Business District. Other factors contributing to this intensive growth include socioeco... Continue Reading
Parking spaces are areas for terminal stations of road traffic. Their location can have a considerable effect on the free movement of vehicular traffic Adequate provision of off-street parking spaces is necessary in order to allow road space for moving traffic. Kano Central Business District is the most important area with its dominating position a... Continue Reading
The menace of informal sector activities has reached an alarming stage that is causing concern to city authorities. This is because the sector proliferates at a very last rate. Also because of the small capital involved in the investment, they have the tendency to locate anywhere; along the roads, sidewalks, under trees and any empty lot where they... Continue Reading
This study aimed at bringing to people’s knowledge the correct use of the word ‘Almajiri’ its origin, development and the present destitute state of the Almajiri. The study was motivated by the ongoing events of destitution, poor living conditions and their abuse by both social miscreants and the Mallams who abuse them. The Almajiri is a boy-... Continue Reading
The Jos Metropolis is not free from the hurdles of mobility such as inadequate transportation system, high fare structure, poor road characteristics. accidents and congestion. The time wasted in the course of undertaking a trip within activity centres does not only result to economic loss at work but also reduces the time that could be spent in sho... Continue Reading
The central area of any town or city is distinguished by its uniqueness in terms of location, function and more often than not by its physical form. It is however pertinent to know that the development of this part of the city has often defied planning solutions in the developing countries despsite some considerable measure of success that have bee... Continue Reading
A recent interest has been developed towards the participation of the public in programmes and decisions that affect them. In Nigeria, decision making in housing is centralised. This centralised nature of planning and decision-making process do not encourage the participation of the people being planned for. Basically, the approach negates the fund... Continue Reading
Intellectual creativity could be synonymous to a plant whereby, certain conditions are required for growth and optimum production without which the result is a poor yield. The performances of Nigerian Authors in recent years have been dwindling rapidly despite the formation of a parent body known as the Association of Nigeria Authors. However, one ... Continue Reading
Medium size towns in Africa do not fullfill their potential for promoting equitable development. In many countries they are inadequate and lack the infrastructure and facilities as well as transportation and communication linkages needed to promote regional growth, social transformation and spatial integration. This makes it necessary to bring orde... Continue Reading
Some aspect of art which has gained importance as a means of expression by artists over time is landscape painting. The presence of the natural and man-made features on Shere village informed the researcher to explore the possibility of developing and expressing these forms in an artistic language. Shere village landscape comprises of many natural ... Continue Reading
During the last three decades, Nigerian Urban centres have witnessec unparalleled upsurge in both human numbers and structural configuration. This was predicated by the oil boom of the 1970s with its attendant emphasis on Urban Development, the glitter of which pulled the rural populace towards these Urban Areas. Increased urbanism resulted in a ge... Continue Reading
Graphic design problems found in billboard advertisement in Nigeria - Master of Arts Industrial Design - Date 1999 pages 92 Table 8 Photographs. 12 The effect of the springing up of small - scale Industries due to positive economic measures introduced in recent times in Nigeria led to the mass production of goods and services. The prospective consu... Continue Reading
Golfing as a sport is not only a major social movement organized by volunteers for mutual production and consumption, or part of communal welfare provided by public service, but also a major service industry with commercial trading and associated functions like sponsorship viz a viz competition and entertainment. Suffice to say that golfing constit... Continue Reading