Search result(s): 421 - 435 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

exploratory study of modern macramé with beads ornamentation for the production of fashionable female dress accessories

The art of macramé though found in many areas of decorative works, has not been adequately explored, developed and documented towards the production of fashionable female dress accessories for appreciation and gainful exploitation in Nigerian contemporary society and fashion industries. Synthetic twines which are durable, cheap and water proof mat... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

effect of lime-stabilization on strength characteristics of bricks made with sokoto red clay soil

Clay soils have been used locally in Sokoto to make bricks without stabilizing the soil. The bricks usually experience structural failure such as cracking and seasonal swelling when used for the construction of wall. Collapsing of wall also occurs in the area where non-stabilized bricks are used for wall construction. This research aims to assess t... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

determination of the suitability of groundnut husk ash as a source of fluxing agent for glass making

Agricultural waste like Groundnut Husk Ash(GHA) generated can inevitably affect the environment by the emission of methane and leachate when rotten. The evaluation of the possible utilization of agricultural waste is important in not only protecting the environment but also in minimizing the cost of disposal, conservation of land for other purposes... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

critical assessment and redesign of the british american tobacco poster designs in nigeria

An Assessment and Redesign of the British American Tobacco Poster Designs in Nigeria: The British America Tobacco (BAT) is an international company that operates domestically in Nigeria but whose advertising posters seem to differ in content from the conventional advertisement that consumers are used to or familiar with and which to large extent, n... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of urban bus services in minna niger state

Transportation plays a vital role in the economic and socio-cultural development of any nation. Its cost is a significant variable in the market price of any commodity. Transport needs of major cities in Nigeria now present significant challenges for policy makers as unpredictable shifts in population dynamics in response to the need for employment... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

analysis of the patronage characteristics of tourism destinations


Tourism destinations patronage is not uniform. They vary according to the uniqueness of the destinations. For a destination to be successful, it is imperative to address tourist?s expectations and satisfactions in other to determine the areas of strength to utilize and areas of weaknesses to improve. This study advances the understanding of tourist... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an analysis and appraisal of professor abbas ahuwan s ceramic forms

The motivation to conduct a research on the ceramic forms of Professor Ahuwan emanated from their uniqueness. After acquiring a sound Western training in ceramic production, Professor Ahuwan turned to traditional pottery, preferring to elevate the aesthetic qualities of wares over their functionality. He continued to teach Ceramics for over forty y... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

sustainable waste management system in abattoir design

Waste in whatever form is considered as serious menace to any built environment in both developed and developing countries. In recent years, most developing countries have started taking measures to improve their abattoirs waste management practices. The increase amount of waste generated by abattoirs is usually not properly managed. The research i... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the effects of the socratic method on students art performances in secondary schools


This study was carried out to determine the effects of Socratic Method on student‘s art performance in secondary schools in Kaduna Metropolis Nigeria. The specific objectives are to find out students performance when exposed to Socratic Method, determine if male students will perform better than female students when exposed to the Socratic Method... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a metaphoric transformation of the pawpaw tree into female forms in painting

The research ?A Metaphoric Transformation of the Pawpaw Tree into Female Forms in Painting?, is anchored towards a conceptual representation of the pawpaw tree into female forms. The statement of the problem is hinged on the seemingly lack of deliberate and systematic attempt at an academic painterly study in Nigeria. The study is justified in that... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

sol-gel synthesis of silica from rice husk ash for glass ceramics production

This study is an experimental research on the possible use of rice husk ash silica for the Production of glass ceramics utilising the abundant agricultural waste. Rice husk was pre-treated, carbonised to drive out volatile matter and ash at 700oC. The brown ash (BA) obtained was characterised by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a systematic analytical exploration and adaptation of the spider form in painting

This thesis entitled A SYSTEMATIC ANALYTICAL EXPLORATION AND ADAPTATION OF THE SPIDER FORM IN PAINTING is a research in studio practice with the aim of producing a body of paintings that draw from the creative and aesthetic expression of patterns observed within the spider. The reoccurring mode of creative interpretation of the spider, spider web a... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an assessment of the visual communications approach of the publication unit of ahmadu bello university, zaria-nigeria

The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of visual communication designs published by the Public Affairs Unit of the Ahmadu Bello University Registry. The specific aim was to develop a prototype Visual Communications Resource that would serve as the ideal tool for advertising university undergraduate programmes, using perceptive principle... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

quality of rainwater harvested in cisterns


Rainwater harvesting despite being an ancient practice in many parts of the world has very limited use as a source of potable water, primarily because the quality of stored rainwater in domestic tanks (cisterns) is not believed to meet drinking water quality standards. This study was aimed at assessing the level of potability of harvested rainwater... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

production of insulating refractory bricks from kankara kaolin using acha (digitaria exilis) husk as alternative pore-former

The exploration of the potentiality of Acha (Digitaria Exilis) husk (AH) as an alternative poreformer in insulating bricks was investigated. X-ray florescence (XRF) analysis was conducted for both beneficiated and un-beneficiated kaolin sample. Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) and XRF analysis was conducted for five AH samples sourced from differ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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