Nigerian National Parks was established in order to have a unified National Park system in the Country. The Organisation has its headquarters in Abuja which should be coordinating the programs of the Organisation The headquarters building requires a good planning because it will function as a centre for collection, processing and storage of informa... Continue Reading
Nigerian cultural heritage in the field of architecture is becoming too difficult to preserve due to the arrival of modern technology and international style. Corporate building in Nigerian urban centre have embraced today's broader AESTHETICS with little or no regional expression. With the rent drive towards nationalism, I attempted as my own litt... Continue Reading
This thesis examines the pattern and urban management challenges of Development Control Violations in Wuse District of Federal Capital city of Abuja. Its primary scope is on the level of compliance to Development Control standards for residential plots in the study area with reference to Land Use, Density, setback, building and fence height. The st... Continue Reading
The study is concerned with highlighting and i initiating the techniques of screen printing in pottery decoration among the Studio Potters in Nigeria. There are 83 pages, 8 tables and 13 plates. Three major purposes were outlined for the study: 1. To identify the procedures involved in screen printing. 2. To identify the suitable materials for scre... Continue Reading
Rayfield Resort Hotel Jos: Maximising site Potentials in Architectural design. In this thesis 1 have sought to elaborate the high potentials and value of tourism in the state of Plateau and provision has been made for a well designed resort hotel at rayfield. If Nigeria is to partake in the present boom in the tourist industry, the need to develope... Continue Reading
The most commonly found play structures in Nigeria are too monotonous and stereotyped, with little or nothing new to challenge the child. There is a need for the development of new and varied types of sculptural, play forms that will both challenge the child's imagination as well as enhance the child's learning. This study utilized primary and seco... Continue Reading
Within Northern Nigeria, history surrounds the common man. One of such perceptions can be found in the environment and visual appreciation through the architecture from the colonial era. One cannot help but get a feeling of nostalgia, on seeing some of the old building forms. Due to the importance of such structures and the significant roles they p... Continue Reading
The issue of market planning is not that of structural detereoration alone, neither is it that of sole locational insuitability. Rather it is a hydra-headed problem that can only be comprehended through an indepth study of all existing markets collectively. This unvails the short comings encompassed by interractions between all existing markets, an... Continue Reading
Solar Radiation incidant on a building causes great discomfort especially here in the tropic, due to the transmission of the solar energy in form of heat through the external walls and openings by the process of conduction. As a result of the Above, Architects employed means of controlling this problem through the use of active elements of design, ... Continue Reading
After decades of neglect, there is now a global awareness of the crucial role that women can play in sustainable development. Unfortunately most of the development programmes that have been planned and implemented do not seem to have taken the peculiar needs of the Muslim woman into consideration. This thesis is aimed at providing Muslim womenfolk ... Continue Reading
The environmental impact of deforestation and the non biodegradability of synthetic polymer as a major product of household waste, necessitate the need to look into agricultural residue and low density polyethylene (LDPE) as an alternative source of raw material for the production of fibreboard panels. This study investigated the properties of fibr... Continue Reading
For thousands of years, man lived majority of his life outside of walls and depended on the natural environment to sustain life. In today’s culture, man spends about 80% of his life indoors, blocking out the natural world. Also, we as individuals have more demanded of each of us to meet expectations, and thereby stress or associated illness is us... Continue Reading
Efforts to develop river transportation by the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria have a long history. One of such efforts was the commissioning of the Netherlands Engineering Consultants (NEDECO) on August 21 1954 to study the conditions in the River Niger and Benue. The object was to determine how shipping can be most effectively impro... Continue Reading
This scheme is purely academic exercise but with practical aims. The theme is on LEATHER PROCESSING INDUSTRY (TANNERY), ZARIA It is a common awareness that one catalyst that can bring faster rate of economic growth to any nation is the application of modern Science and Thechnology. The aim of industrial revolution and self reliance should start fro... Continue Reading
Lack of facilities of Kaduna State Local Government Secretariats is a common thing which should be a concern and it demands urgent attention. It's uncommon to have all the six departments of Local Government Secretariat at close proximity. To have people of common interest having offices at different far locations is obviously a reduction of effici... Continue Reading