Search result(s): 436 - 450 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

evaluation of architecture as a tool to enhance creativity in the design of a centre for arts and creativity


This research sought to evaluate how architecture can be a tool to augment creativity in centres for art. Creativity is characterised by non- linear, organic and open minded ideas hence so when the environment where humans occupy is designed with such considerations in mind, the Architecture plays a very integral role in enhancing the efficiency of... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an appraisal of construction project planning in nigerian indigenous construction companies

Planning in construction involve defining the activities, actions, time, cost, durations and performance milestone which will result into successful completion of the project. Previous researches attributed insufficient construction planning to Nigerian indigenous construction companies, this insufficiency in construction planning was found to cont... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an empirical determination of labour output for painting in the nigerian construction industry


Research has shown that construction labour output is crucial to the success of construction projects. However, existing labour output used for the preparation of construction estimates in Nigeria are outputs derived from untested experiences. The focus of this study is to use the work study approach to empirically establish labour output for paint... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of ergonomic adaptability practices among selected construction craftsmen


Health and safety is about the prevention of ill-health among workers caused by their working conditions. Ergonomics is one of the methods to eliminate the health hazards and risk in the construction industry. The aim of the study is to assess adaptability of ergonomic practices among selected building construction craftsmen in Abuja with a view to... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

deconstructing the human face using leaf veins in painting

This study deconstruction of human face using leaf veins in painting,seek to deconstruct the human face through a systematic simplification of the human face from a representational rendition to a minimalist possibilities using dicotyledons leaf veins. This study has brought to forea unique styleand mode of expression in painting through the use of... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an evaluation of the environmental factors that lead to abandonment of public building projects


The successful implementation of building projects may be impaired without a good knowledge of the environmental factors that contribute to building projects abandonment and this abandonment makes it difficult to achieve the benefit to be derived from the projects. The aim of the study was to evaluate the environmental factors that lead to abandonm... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of determinants of construction tender sum

Identification and assessment of factors influencing construction tender sum helps in building a more reliable cost models that help Quantity surveyors come up with a more accurate cost estimates. Several researches have been carried out in the UK and other developed countries with results varying on one hand based on the questions asked and on the... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

use of passive design techniques in the design of faculty of engineering


Passive Design is a method of construction where a comfortable interior environment can be created using very little energy; simply by eliminating the reliance on active heating or cooling systems. In hot & dry climate an architect„s aim would be to design a building in such a way that solar gains are maximized in winter and, reduce solar gains i... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a study of contemporary public outdoor sculptures in four selected states in western nigeria

Public outdoor sculptures are a common sight at various locations, like roundabouts, road junctions, open streets, parks and so on, in Oyo, Ondo, Osun, and Ekiti states of Nigeria. A survey of these sculptures has revealed that, the sculptures are not subjected to proper maintenance measures. The study on appraisal of contemporary public outdoor sc... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

redefining functions and spaces in a design of a museum

Traditionally, most museum have been designed as exhibition of artifact and learning environments that primarily focused on creating functional spaces that met basic educational needs. With the advent of the digital age however, approach to museum design is now based on the ways users access and make use of the museum environment, this has consider... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

framework for determining performance of construction projects


Several researches have been carried out in order to develop frameworks for determining performance of construction projects which were mostly based on Traditional criteria (i.e. cost, time and quality) only. And researches have highly criticized the use of traditional criteria only while determining construction project performance due to its inad... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a contextual study of visual art progammes for children at the national gallery of art

The National Gallery of Art (NGA) as an agency of Government under the Federal Ministry of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation, is vested with the responsibility of supervising the visual art sector. This is enshrined in the NGA Amendment Act 2004 which stipulates their functions and mode of operation. One such mandate is to ensure good up-br... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

exploring the guitar form for the production of sculpture

This research is focused on exploration of forms, deriving inspiration from the guitar for the production of sculpture. It attempts to translate the features of a guitar by exploring the curvilinear form of the guitar for the production of relief sculptures, using mild steel sheets, mild steel rods and found metal objects as the main materials for ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

comparative evaluation of ahmadu bello university waste stabilization pond and a constructed wetland

The efficiencies of organic pollutants and heavy metal removal from the wastewater of Ahmadu Bello University, (ABU), Zaria by ABU waste stabilization pond and horizontal flow sub-surface constructed wetland were evaluated and compared at seven (7) days hydraulic retention time for a period of ten (10) weeks. A constructed wetland with dimensions 1... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an assessment of the constraints to university - industry collaboration (uic) innigerian construction sector

This research work is on University-Industry research Collaborations in Nigeria. It focused on three objectives which are to establish the status of these collaboration in Nigeria, to evaluate the collaboration needs of the parties, and to assess the barriers to the collaboration. To achieve these, mixed research methods; quantitative and qualitati... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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