Search result(s): 106 - 120 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

adaptation of traditional designs on crafts of southern kaduna as motifs for textiles resist techniques

The problem of this study is that of the selection, documentation, explanation and preservation of some of the traditional motifs found on the crafts of Southern Kaduna and adapting them for contemporary use on fabric using Resist Techniques of fabric decoration. The general objective of the study is to select and manipulate traditional designs on ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

adaptation of traditional design concepts for kano state history and culture bureau complex

There is a growing concern from different communities towards the continuous decline of their traditional heritage. This declined is brought about by the industrialized society. One third of the world's population faces the strains of adopting to the impositions of modern architectural style -Traditional style not considered fit from the beginning ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

analysis of the determinants of participation of stakeholders in solid waste management


This study analyses the participation of stakeholders in solid waste management in Zaria. It considers the framework for participation and character of relationships between stakeholders. It assesses the outcome of solid waste management by stakeholders through the basic concept of effectiveness to target user needs. The study utilises the cluster ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

glass recycling in waste management

Glass is a recyclable material, and in a country of about 120 million people with increasing urbanization, industrialization and standards of living, it is necessary that resources are continuously sourced and managed for sustainable development. In Nigeria today, the populace are yet to be aware of waste glass recycling let alone making sure that ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

analysis of the environmental sustainability of tourism infrastructure development at yankari game reserve


Development of tourism Infrastructure at the Yankari Game Reserve,Bauchi, which is essentially a natural environment, raises obvious questions about its future in terms of the sustainability of wildlife conservation and biodiversity objectives and the provision of tourism and recreation. The research set out to answer the question, Has tourism infr... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

encroachment of cities on sub-urban settlements


The rapid population growth of urban centres has resulted in spatial expansion of the centres resulting in the loss of surrounding land. This is threatening the existence of rural settlements in the immediate urban surroundings. This sometimes results in the settlements being engulfed and exist as poorly structured habitations within the urban area... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the effect of varying range of soil grain sizes on cassava starch stabilized compressed earth

This study evaluated the strength and durability characteristics of cassava starch stabilized compressed earth bricks at 3 different grain size ranges. Laterite obtained locally from Zaria was sieved into 3 constituent grain sizes ranges of ? 2.36mm, ? 1.18mm and ? 600?m. Earth bricks of size 140mm �“ 140mm �“ 80mm were produced with earth brick pr... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

analysis of the pattern and urban management implications of sprawl


The accurate mapping and analysis of urban sprawl has been a major challenge to urban planners. This has links to the shortcomings of known procedures and techniques of analysis involving the use of manual methods, the Shannon’s entropy and the GIS and Remote Sensing techniques. Consequently, the debate has existed on the need to develop viable t... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

analysis of land use management activities


The previous studies on land use are concerned with features of development control, Land administration land and use planning each treated separately. That is by aspects of planning control, land allocation process and development control have not been covered together as components of land use management .Therefore, this study was set out to addr... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

evaluating material application waste on building construction sites


This study was aimed at evaluating material application waste on building construction sites in Kaduna State. The need for the study arose from the observations made on ever-increasing material wastes in most building construction sites in the State. The study centered on magnitude of material waste, causes and how to minimize these waste so as to ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

high refractive index glass production using local raw materials

Glasses of relatively high refractive index were produced using barite from Azara in Nasarawa State and sand from Kenyi in Kachia Local Government of Kaduna State. Prior to the glass production, preliminary chemical analysis of the barite and sand were carried for moisture content, loss on ignition and elemental composition by the use of Atomic Abs... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

housing provision for workers in urban areas


I lousing Workers is of prime importance lo the economy of a country. This is in view of the fact that housing environment influences their productivity and safety. A good housing package for industrial workers will lead lo high productivity and consequently lo a better economy. However, in most industrial towns in Nigeria and Kaduna in particular,... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of the activities of abuja geographic information system (agis)


Recent efforts to secure tenure and enhance real property markets are under pressure from increasing demand and competition for land. While limited success in implementing land administration reform in the FCT have led to inefficiency, incoherent and poor land management, have been recognized as one of the key obstacles hindering change and also un... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of the commercialization programme of solid waste management


Municipal Waste have become a global concern particularly in the manner they are indiscriminately dump and poorly managed in towns and cities of the world including our capital city of Abuja. This Study established the gap in the policy framework designed to effect cost recovery mechanism in the process of managing the compounded problems of solid ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

abuja international trade fair complex an appraisal of physical infrastructures in trade fair centres in nigeria

The Trade Fair Complex Abuja like most events of its kind was concieved as a means of providing forum for businessmen and exchange of ideas, open market for new products, attract foreign and local investment, expose new inventions and educate the public at large. Thus the trade fair centres in Nigeria have problems in terms of its physical infrastr... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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