This research is an investigation into the effects of pulverized burnt brick on selected cement brands used in Nigeria. Pulverized burnt brick obtained from grinding Adamawa burnt brick was used, the burnt brick was established to have the highest pozzalinic activity by Sa’ad(2006). The PBB was reactive at w/c = 0.65, 10% replacement of cement by... Continue Reading
This research was experimental in approach. It went through the process of gathering of materials from different locations, iron filings from Buniyaminu Engineering workshop at Randa Kano area in Zaria, Kaduna State, Kankara kaolin from Kankara in Katsina State while ball clay was obtained from Bomo village in Zaria, Kaduna State. The materials wer... Continue Reading
This study is aimed at adapting banknotes security features on Ahmadu Bello University's sensitive documents in order to protect them against counterfeiting. This aim was achieved through the following objectives: 1. to study banknote security features for onward adaptation on Ahmadu Bello University’s sensitive documents. 2. To redesign some of ... Continue Reading
The study evaluated the decorated traditional cloth used in Tiv cultural activities in Benue State, Nigeria. The aim of the study was to establish the aesthetic value of Tiv traditional cloth used in cultural activities, while the objectives are to: find out the educational value of Tiv traditional cloth; examine the symbolic meanings of black and ... Continue Reading
The rate of strength development of concrete depends mainly on cement type, water-cement ratio, and sometimes the use of admixtures or super plasticizer (SP). SPs are indispensable in modern concretes, providing high workable concrete at low water to cement ratios, and resulting in the production of high strength, durable and sustainable concrete. ... Continue Reading
This study investigates the factors driving property investment decisions by private developers in Abuja. Theimpact of the economic activities and surging population influx in areas with high population growth and urbanization suffer from housing or property deficit due to unassessablity of driving factors that influence private investors? decision... Continue Reading
Factors that affect the strength and durability of concrete include quality and quantity of cement used in a mix, grading of aggregates, shape and surface texture of aggregates, Water/cement ratio, curing methods, admixture. A lot of researches were carried out to identify the best curing method for concrete. The aim of this research work is to ass... Continue Reading
Shopping malls are fundamentally large complexbuildings occupied by considerable numbers of thegeneral public and shop staff. These buildings mustbe planned to be safe and in the event of an emergencyor fire, allow for fast and safe evacuation fromthe building by all its occupants. In the design ofthe practical issues, fire safety is one of the mos... Continue Reading
Public private partnership (PPP) is a rapidly growing means of procuring infrastructure asset and their associated services. This research focused on the challenges encountered during the tendering and negotiation phase of the PPP project procurement. The aim of the study is to assess the perception of construction professionals on the attributes a... Continue Reading
Peace and conflict resolution is a quest in the hearts of many people. Artists have created works which have served as statements on certain crisis situations, including wars, ravaging famine due to political, ethnic and religious conflicts, and also as an outrage to certain social, economic or political manipulations in the society. The study trac... Continue Reading
Traditional weavers are faced with more than the usual problems of artists in terms of public exposure and recognition. Very few people who buy hand-woven products have the background to understand the time and effort that was behind the production of their materials. The aim of this study is to revive the traditional men?s horizontal loom by const... Continue Reading
Site layout involves the identification, sizing and placing of the temporary facilities (TFs) at the required positions within the boundaries of the construction project site. The aim of this research is to assess the site layout practices of some construction firms in Abuja, Nigeria, with a view to improve productivity of workers in construction s... Continue Reading
The quantity of ceramic waste tile in Nigeria has been on the increase without consideration for potential reused or recycling. This increases the risk to public health due to the scarcity of land area. The growing problem can be solved if new disposal option other than landfill can be found. Continuous dependence on conventional materials for conc... Continue Reading
Following a sustained depletion of communal (tribal) values by Western civilization, Omabe, the central visual symbol upon which the life values of the Nsukka-Igbo were safeguarded for thousands of years, lost its worth, as interpretations of its form, followed divergent conceptions or understandings of the culture. As installation art utilizes ele... Continue Reading
Emergency care has been a vital part of Public Health supporting any thriving society for as long as hospital has been in existence. More than 960 years later, such influence is still apparent and is regarded as the front gate demonstrating capacity and capability of medical infrastructure in providing prompt and acute medical relief of threat to h... Continue Reading