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a study of rock paintings


Globally, rock paintings are age-long art forms that have revealed the activities of early humans in the respective sites. This is similar to the rock paintings in Bauchi and Jigawa States of Nigeria. The Study of Rock Paintings in Bauchi and Jigawa States is carried out to: Identify the imageries that constitute the rock paintings in Bauchi and Ji... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

cost implications of variations in construction projects in nigeria

The study carefully examined the cost implications of variation on total contract cost of building projects. It also investigated the extent to which the variations affect the initial contract sums of such building projects. The study which is mainly based on project files and interaction with professionals and clients draws samples of twenty-three... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of knowledge management capabilities of the nigerian quantity surveying firms

Knowledge Management (KM) capabilities provide the supportive structure required to share knowledge within the context in which it is required in an organizations. Previous researches have shown that at least more than half of failed KM initiatives and the problem of ineffective KM occur as a result of firms not assessing their capabilities before ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

evaluation of undergraduate sculpture curriculum in selected nigerian universities

The aim of this study was to evaluate the undergraduate sculpture curricula in Nigerian Universities to see whether they were working in consonance with the National Universities Commission’s (NUC) Minimum Academic Standard (MAS). The objectives were to: assess the personnel’s awareness of the regulatory body; determine the adequacy and relevan... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

prototype design and costrction of a two-chamber intermittent tank furnace for simultaneous dual studio glass melting in nigeria

An intermittent two-chamber glass tank furnace with a common flame apace has been designed and constructed for simultaneous experimental dual melting of both flint and coloured glass, fusing under the same atmospheric conditions. This was precipitated by the determination to give a new outlook with a view to solving some deficiencies identified, ac... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

tender management and bid evaluation for optimum results

This thesis takes premise that tender management and bid evaluation are solid foundations to proper project execution. The study therefore sets to look into how tender management and bid evaluation process will assist in successful project execution. In order to achieve this aim the present systems of tender management and bid evaluation were inves... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

railway terminus - abuja (a modern approach to railway station design in nigeria)

The nature of the transportation system of any Country in the world determines the standard of social life of its people Similarly, the economy of any nation also depends largely on its transportation network and efficiency The need for transportation as an important and essential ingredient for human existence cannot be overemphasised The demand f... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

modelling of cost overruns in building projects in abuja

Construction of building projects is an endeavour that involves capital expenditure, which is either borrowed or self-financed by clients. The expected outcome of such expenditure is value for money, which is usually dictated by project objectives of cost, time and quality. Project cost, as a project objective, is a crucial determinant of project s... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a survey of concrete practice on selected construction sites in nigeria

A survey of concrete practice on selected construction sites in Nigeria has been undertaken. It was aimed at establishing whether or not good concrete practice is being followed. Fifteen sites were Investigated to review the following�” storage of dry materials, transportation modes, mix design and mixing practice of concrete and the background tr... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of professional's perception of knowledge and skills requirement of contractors for mass housing construction

Housing is an important indicator for determining the level of development of a society or country. Nigeria has high deficit of housing needs for her citizens and mass housing has been identified as a strategy for filling the gap. The construction of housing requires expertise from the players of the industry especially the constructors (Contractor... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

liquid fuel burning system for ceramic firing

This study is concerned with designing calibrating and operating a liquid fuel system for firing ceramic work as an alternative to traditional firing methods such as gas and wood firing, A coil burner was chosen and re-designed to eliminate prime movers such as fans, pumps and blowers. Kerosene, the fuel, was delivered by gravity feed, with a littl... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

estimates as a tool for building project cost control

Estimates as a Tool for Building Project Cost Control is a phenomena by those who have been monitoring the cost of building construction. The building industry is characterised as highly competative, very risky and with low profit margin. The cost of construction in the past years has also been on steady increase with varied reasons which includes ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of some indices of professionalism in the nigerian construction industry

The Nigerian Building Construction Industry is characterised with several problems, all detrimental to its developmental growth. Stories have continued to appear on the pages of the Nigerian national dailies reporting projects' abandonment, collapse of structures and inflated costs of constructions. Professionalism have been identified as the grass... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

building failures

For more investigations and documentation on the causes and prevention of building failures in Nigeria, this research was conducted on two defective buildings selected in Minna Niger state. One building which is a one storey building has structural failure of its elements. In order to determine the causes of structural failure of the one-storey bui... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an investigation into the conditions of contract with regards to claims in some selected building projects

One of the fundamental issues associated with an increasing population is the inordinate demand for houses, schools and hospitals. While houses provide shelter and schools provide the suitable abode of teaching and learning, hospitals provide the environment for extending welfare services to the teaming population. Hence, not only does the governme... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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