Search result(s): 541 - 555 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

optimizing daylighting using vertical lightpipes in the design of vertical shopping mall kano

In commercial buildings, two-thirds of the sale time is during the day, it provides opportunity for optimizing the daylight potential of the region and reducing electric consumption. This solves the two key problems in shopping malls; these are visual and thermal discomfort of workers and customers. The current population growth and scarcity of lan... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

site selection of electoral polling unit using geospatial technology for zaria


This study gives an insight to the site selection of electoral polling unit using geospatial technology for Zaria, Kaduna State Nigeria aimed at creating an appropriate model for citing polling units. For the purpose of this work, a base map, SRTM data, pollulation data and Landsat 8 satellite imagery were used to generate the land-use map of Zaria... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

urban management implications of peri urban growth


The study examines the pattern and growth process of peri urban areas in Bauchi town with a view to identify implications. The data required for the study are drawn from Primary and secondary sources. Primary data includes, the Physical attributes such as physical site, site layout, location of buildings and available infrastructure were collected ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

glazed surface as a tool for enhancing energy efficiency in the design of ultra-modern shopping mall


Designing to make use of the climatic conditions of the site has always been a Challenge, especially for energy efficient building. The current investigation assesses how effective orientation, window-wall ratio and types of windows as a parameter for the reduction of annual cooling energy demand and the annual total energy consumption in commercia... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

optimizing daylighting in the design of proposed exposition center


Getting light into the building entity in a clever way is an important stride to designing energy efficient buildings. Learning how to use daylighting, in an efficient way while having control will reduce energy demands in buildings and also facilitate a good visual comfort for users especially in a developing country like Nigeria where most trade ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an evaluation of end users satisfaction in selected housing estates


Construction industry is a major factor in the social integration of a society using various avenues such as housing. The current and future prospects in the housing sector depend on the extent to which users, as stakeholders, are satisfied with the built facilities �“ a project is only successful to the extent that it satisfies the needs of it in... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

aspect ratio of building form as a tool for enhancing thermal comfort in the design of a telecommunications office building (maiduguri)

Thermal comfort is recognized as a key parameter for healthy and productive large workspaces found in office buildings. Achieving occupants comfort is a priority that has a great effect on energy demand in buildings, particularly in hot climate zones. The study aims at investigating a suitable aspect ratio of building form that will reduce the cost... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

creation of utilitarian sculptures derived from fish forms

This study “Creation of Utilitarian Sculptures derived from Fish Forms” is an expression of ideas generated from nature �“ guppy and tilapia fish, to support the making of sculptures that possess utilitarian value. Guppies are small active freshwater topminnows mostly kept in aquariums while tilapias are members of the Cichlidae family, with s... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

development of glass-ceramics by controlled nucleation and crystallization of glass samples produced from local raw materials

Glass-ceramic materials were produced by the process of controlled nucleation and crystallization of glass samples. The glass samples were produced using locally available raw materials. (Feldspar, Limestone and Magnesite). The raw materials were sourced from Matari (Kaduna State), Kalambaina (Sokoto State) and Tsakesimptah (Adamawa State). The raw... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

improving wayfinding through design in proposed paediatric hospital


Wayfinding in any publicly accessed building has been an issue and over the years this problem has been given a low priority as an unavoidable problem, Wayfinding problems have been linked to stress-related problems and loss of productive staff time. The architecture of our existing hospitals do not adequately capture the needs of way finders, This... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

performance and development impact of community-based organisations (cbos) in rural areas


This study examines the performance and development impact of community-based organisations (CBOs) in rural communities in Nasarawa state. The study focused on 30actively engaged CBOs selected from the three Senatorial Districts of the state. Questions answered by the research include: What are the categories, characteristics and organisational str... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an evaluation of architectural forms for improving energy efficiency in shopping mall design


Today’s building industry appears to be entering another era of change, with a view toward minimizing carbon footprint. Understanding building forms offers a great chance of changing the current practice to save energy and other natural resources. Depending on any climate, forms have a major influence on energy consumption of a building. The majo... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

daylight performance and optimization with light pipe in the design of modern art museum abuja

Museums and art galleries collect, preserve, analyse and display historical artefacts and various achievement of the past. Light is basic requirement in museum design for the appreciation of art work. However, achieving daylight in museum spaces particularly in tropical climate is challenging due to its effect on artefacts and this has resulted to ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

effects of human activities on the environmental conditions in old oyo national park (oonp) 1972 - 2015

This study is aimed at establishing relationship between human activities in the park wider region and its environmental conditions. There is limited knowledge on the impact of human activities on the park environmental conditions. This study fills the gap by focusing on the details of human activities in global context. It examines the impact of h... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

creating forms in sculpture inspired by elebo masks

Sculpture, has evolved over time, and through the period of its development so many ideas from diverse sources have been discovered by sculptors. African maskshave been explored by foreign artists like, Amideo Modigliani and Pablo Picasso in their paintings and sculptures, this direction has influenced to a large extent the trend of contemporary we... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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