Search result(s): 226 - 240 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

an assessment of the influence of combustion generated pollutants on the indoor air quality of selected laboratories


Health threats in a learning environment can jeopardize the entire effort of teaching and learning. One of such health threats is the presence of hazardous gaseous elements within the interior either as a result of learning processes or from the external environment. Combustion is one of the basic process that is employed in the learning and teachi... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

calabar municipal recreation centre expression of indigenous context in recreational facility design

Thiswork is built on the subject of indigenous context to Recreation. This thesis sought to take full advantage of the cultural characteristics of Cross River State such as, its indigenous spatial organization, site planning, indigenous art, local building materials and construction techniques. The tourism industry worldwide is fast shifting from o... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

redevelopment proposal for the national orthopaedic hospital, igbobi, lagos(towards progressive patient care)

It is said that a healthy nation is a wealthy nation'. The wealth of the nation is in the health oF its human resources. This health is managed or treated by hospitals, clinics and other medical institutions, when it has been impaired (either permanently or temporary) by any form of illness or disease. The health needs of the society are influenced... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the effects ofproductivityand work flow variability on construction jobsite labour performance in nigeria

The management of daily labour productivity variability on site is an important aspect of lean thinking. The lean construction technique suggests that reducing variability gives better labour performance. Therefore, this work examines the analysis of labour productivity data of four cement-based activities which are; block laying, concreting, wall ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

control of labour costs in buildings

The title of the thesis is Control of Labour Cost, based on investigative studies conducted into its applications in the construction of building projects. Investigative studies conducted into the operations of some construction firms revealed the absence of a labour cost control system, but the presence of an achaic project cost system, which is b... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a dialogue between lines and floral motifs in painting

A Dialogue between Lines and Floral Motifs in Painting This research was focussed on creating a dialogue between lines and the floral in painting. Many painters have worked on floral paintings looking at the flower exclusively. There were also research works done on the floral form but, non to the knowledge of the researcher were in relation to lin... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

site cost control model for medium sized building project

The practice of cost control as is obtained on the . medium sized construction sites was compared and weighed against the cost control systems and procedures obtained in management and construction literatures. The differences were highlighted, the similarities upheld and possible areas of adjustments suggested. A subsequent site cost control model... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

properties of concrete using atile seeds as coarse aggregate

This thesis is an investigation into the properties of concrete using Atile seeds as coarse aggregate. The work involves the prior determination of the physical properties of the Atile seeds in the laboratory, e.g. specific gravity, absorption rate, bulk density, moisture content, voids ratio, porosity, etc. using standard methods of determination ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

availability of borehole systems for potable water supply

The work articulates borehole systems definition and project criteria, as systems evaluation principles. These serve as background knowledge for the assessment of availability of handpump-equipped boreholes in the Crystalline Groundwater Province of Northern Nigeria. The study which is mainly based on project files and performance records, draws sa... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

in-house professionals in project development and implementation


The research work concerns with the study of the impact and roles of in-house professionals in the planning and development of University physical facilities in some selected Nigerian Universities, notably; the Federal University of Technology, Yola, and the University of Maiduguri. The National Universities Commission is the main body through whic... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of suitability of quantity surveyors in the provision of contract auditing services in north-west geo-political zone of nigeria

The emerging demand for Contract Auditing of most projects procurement efforts in Nigeria has raised the relevant question as to which profession was best suited to expertly provide these services. Conflicting claims for contract auditing services among relevant professionals prompted this study. The study assessed, from the Quantity Surveying poin... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of barriers to communication in the nigerian construction industry

All the various stages of construction rely on professionals transferring appropriate and relevant information to develop a buildable design that meets the client’s requirements. As the project unfolds and the design is realized, information in the form of drawings, specifications and construction methods must be communicated from one expert to a... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

framework for sustainable design of photovoltaic home systems in north-western nigeria

This study aims at establishing monthly average electric energy demand of various household types and the Insolation level in order to develop a sustainable design framework and design kit for Photovoltaic home systems application in the area. A field survey using multi stage stratified purpose sampling was adopted in Zaria Metropolis where a sampl... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

planning and management for sustainable urban water supply


The gap between water need and supply has widened in most existing and emerging urban centres in Nigeria. Large number of urban dwellers experience inadequacy of water supply and thus rely on doubtful sources for domestic uses such as shallow wells, harvesting of rain water from roof tops and occasional seasonal streams. In response to the rapid ur... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

investigation into the possible use of powdered burnt brick (pbb) and ordinary portland cement (opc) admixture for sandcrete blocks production

The thesis is essentially a comparative investigation between using Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and an admixture (blended cement of Portland cement (OPC) and Powdered Burnt Brick (PBB). It was directed at ascertaining the suitability or otherwise of the blended cement for use in the production of sandcrete blocks as OPC is used. Three sets of tr... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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