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an investigation into the development of local raw materials for the ceramics industry


An Investigation Into The Development Of Local Raw Materials For The Ceramics Industry In Nigeria. Masters of Arts, Industry Design. October 2000, 9 appendices, 6 tables, 6 figures, 96 pages. The problem of this study is to examine the extent of development of locally available ceramic raw materials. It is pertinent that enquiry is made into the p... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a study of teachers' assessment of children's creative art works in some primary schools


The study titled A Study of Teachers’ Assessment of Children's Creative Art Works in Some Primary Schools in Kaduna State” was designed to evaluate primary school teachers’ method of assessing children’s creative art works. A total of 262 teachers and 350 pupils were randomly selected from twenty (20) primary schools in both public and priv... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

integrating architecture with nature to enhance restoration


Corporate executives all over the world are under a lot of stress due to increasing competitiveness in the workplace, traveling and family demands. Stress costs companies in terms of employee’s health and reduced output and efficiency. Companies have realized the benefits of sending their executives on paid holidays to rest, recuperate and be rej... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

application of bioclimatic principles to reduce energy consumption in the design of senate building for nasarawa state university


In the Traditional Architecture of any settlement, one can find a very strong relationship between the forms of architecture and the local climate. The form of shelter decides the bulk of its energy consumption. The climate becomes the dominant forces in finding the solution when there is scarcity of available resources. The modern buildings’ unr... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a study of the relationship between gender and preferred content in pupil's drawing among selected primary school pupils


This study sought to establish the relationship between Gender and Preferred Content in Children’s Drawing. A total of 220 pupils stratified into 110 males and 110 females drawn from eleven randomly selected primary schools in Zaria metropolis were used for the study. Four research questions were raised and four null hypotheses were generated. A ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

analysis of modal split characteristics for efficient transport planning policy


Transportation is central to the sustenance of rural, urban, regional or national economy. It is vital to the flow of knowledge, information, human mobility, goods and services. The state of the transport system and facilities enhance or retards growth and development in urban areas. In Nigeria, the problem of passenger transportation in urban cent... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

analysis of policies and strategies for the development of towns in the federal capital territory


It has been increasingly recognised that there are substantial contrasts in the Development of some regions compared to that of others. Indeed contrasts operate at different spatial scales because in reality some parts of individual regions are richer and more developed than others. Regional planning strategies are employed to redress disparities. ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

electrical energy efficiency improvement in commercial buildings


The study used energy audit to determine where, when, why and how electrical energy is being used in selected bank buildings in Zaria. The information was used to identify opportunities to improve efficiency, decrease energy cost and reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. The study employed both primary and secondary sou... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an attempt at integrating indigenous spatial houseforms to evolve a palace architecture


In African context, a palace is not only an official residence of a ruler, but also serves among other things, as the administrative and social ceremonial quarters of most societies. Some palaces even fulfilled further requirements of being residences of sacred kings of divine descents, the focal point of religious ritual, the object of mystical aw... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

development of an indigenous ceramics bead model clay for play to enhance learning of children with learning disabilities

The study developed and designed four components indigenous Ceramics Bead Model ‘Clay for Play Model’ in which the academic and physical components of the model were utilized to design an indigenous Ceramics instructional manual. The study sought to provide solutions to the problem of lack of appropriate indigenous ceramics instructional materi... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

energy management scheme for a university campus


This study assessed the problem of Electrical Energy supply within Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (Main Campus) and suggested ways of solving the problem of inadequacy of power supply. Reduction of peak demand by load shedding method was used which preserves critical loads or avoids total shutdown due to unforeseen loss of power sources and preserv... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

development of sculpture forfunctionality: an exploration with terracotta in the landscape

The history of sculpture from time reveals the use of varied materials as well as its utility for a multitude of functions; amidst this too is the contentious issue of the varied spaces in which sculpture is placed. However there was a glaring trend since the prehistoric period of the close affinity of sculpture with architectural spaces which seem... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

restoration as strategy for kano city development: ancient kano city relics and monuments

Restoration of cultural heritage is a collective responsibility between constituted authority and the general public who are the custodians of their cultural heritage. It was further discovered that there is a complete negligence on the side of government in maintaining and preserving the relics in the city. This, coupled with the encroachment of c... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

analysis of poverty in zaria urban area and the urban management implications

The study set out to analyse the poverty profile of Zaria Urban Area with application input for urban management. This is a departure from the conventional approaches that have broad focus and lack direct utility for urban managers. To address these shortcomings, amongst other considerations, was the use of the Basic Needs Approach to the study. Th... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

adapting butterfly motifs in painting

The butterfly comprises more than 100,000 species. It has different colorful patterns on and beneath the wings for safety reasons. With every flapping of the wings, two different patterns are exposed at interval. The artist was influenced by this phenomenon. This has fundamental philosophical parallels in life. The wings of the butterfly therefore ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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