Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
Transportation is central to the sustenance of rural, urban, regional or national economy. It is vital to the flow of knowledge, information, human mobility, goods and services. The state of the transport system and facilities enhance or retards growth and development in urban areas. In Nigeria, the problem of passenger transportation in urban centre has become established and needing planned intervention. Kaduna is a town that provides evidence of this fact. Being a multi-functional town that serves military, administrative, commercial and industrial purposes, the consequences for not acting purposefully (planning) will be pervasive. This study examines an aspect of transport planning, that is, model split. It seeks to understand factors that influence or motivate trip makers in their choice of transport mode as a basis for proposing policies to improve the efficiency of transport and urban system in Kaduna. Data-sets collected were from field observation and questionnaire administration, and review of records. Results from the analysis show income strongly influence trip-makers selection of transport mode. It affect, car ownership, residential location, and use of public transport and journey purpose. While it was difficult to assess the effect of travel time and travel cost, it was observed that income affect even travel time and travel cost. The increase in transport demand brought about by urban growth (changes in land use structure), population growth and improved living standard necessitated the introduction of many modes to meet transportation need. This has led to the uncontrolled growth of private car, proliferation of public transports (taxi, bus, motor cycle) and more people walking due to economic hardship, limited road space and competition arising from road users, have led to traffic congestion, excessive use of energy (fuel) and environmental pollution, conflicts, etc. Poverty , weak institutional controls and concentration of traffic generation activities in the CBA have made traffic control even more difficult. The need to find a solution to the transport problems is urgent. The study recommended policies and measure in relation to disincentives to private car use, enhancing public transport system and reducing motor vehicle pollution and energy conservation. It also suggested the combination of persuasion and restrain measures where government plays a leading role in making appropriate legislation and enforcement. In addition there should be participation or involvement of stockholders in the decision making process. In this way, it is hope that priority will given to each mode of transportation in relation to the urban development. The study concludes that solutions to urban transportation problems could be found when there is systematic and deliberate coordination between urban planning (effective control of land use development) and transport planning.
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