Search result(s): 61 - 75 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

an appraisal of prequalification criteria used for contractors selection in public building projects in nigeria

The research was carried out to appraise contractors’ prequalification criteria used by public organizations for building projects, for the last six years (2006-2011). Field survey involving ten public organizations in Kaduna was conducted. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaires. 60 questionnaires were distributed to constr... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the impact of abuja on the physical development of suleja

As strong growth centers new capital cities attract large population from places across their countries but accommodated only few. While the teeming accommodated population are spilled over to their neighboring towns. Developed in an area far removed from an existing urban center, the lack of adequate accommodation is one of the major problems asso... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

urban management challenges for water supply in peripheral settlements


The need for water cannot be overemphasized as water is crucial for healthy living. Despite this, access to portable water in many urban areas still remain a huge challenge. Giving that attempts are being made to surmount water problems of cities, little is being done to overcome water problems of peripheral settlements. Most studies on water deliv... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the implementation of an urban masterplan

(A CASE STUDY OF Maiduguri)

Master plans the world over have been employed among other physical development plans by planners to achieve planned urban environment. Master plans provide functional, efficient and aesthetically beautiful physical environment when effectively implemented. In Nigeria, tremendous efforts have been employed in Master plan preparation; where about 30... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the effects of assignment method of teaching on students performance in art in secondary schools


This study focuses attention on the effects of assignment method of teaching on students’ performance in art at Effurun in Delta state. The research is based on the descriptive survey method. A total of ten (10) teachers and fifty (50) students from five (5) secondary schools were sampled using the simple random sampling technique. The instrument... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the effects of client, designer, and printer operational relationship on the quality of reprographic products

On the premise that close operational relationship is essential for the production of effective print advertisements, this study determined the effects of Client, Designer, and Printer Operational Relationship on the Quality of Reprographic Products in Borno and Yobe States. The specific objectives of the study were thus to; examine the input from ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an appraisal of urban governance practices and the development of informal economic activities in zaria

This research considered how the practices of selected institutions of urban governance in Zaria, affect the development of informal economic activities in the study area. Literature on the informal economy, and urban governance were studied to elaborate on concepts, characteristics, arguments and explanations. Policy responses on the informal econ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

comparison of performance of traditional and direct labour procurement methods adopted by the nigerian army

The study examined the performance of traditional system and direct labour procurement methods often employed by the Nigerian Army. Traditional system involves the use of professionals from outside the Army to realize a project while direct labour involves the use of professionals within the NA to execute a project. The aim was to find out if one h... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

centre for professional excellence for the nigerian building industry: design considerations for professional harmony

There is a growing interest in the performance of the building industry ana its role in national development. Concern has been expressed by government, private sector and the general public over the professional conducts and even the relevance of the professions that make up the building industry. This is because after many years of professional tr... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a fusion of olele dance forms in painting

The research was experimentally done to make an exposition of Olele dance by translating Olele rhythmic dance movements into forms in painting. The inspiration taken from Olele dance, an aspect of Igala ethnic culture enabled the researcher to create illusion of Olele dance movements within the forms. The problem of the study was to make an exposit... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

architectiral form as mitigating factor for autism spetrum disorder in children: rehabilitation centre for autistic children

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) which can be termed as a lifelong complex development disorder usually affecting children. It’s relatively new but rapidly growing in developing countries. Thus there is need for rehabilitation centre to cater for parents affected by Autism. This dissertation explores the application of forms and colours as a mitiga... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an assessment of access to finance for housing development


The need to assess the various variables towards individuals housing construction as well as their sources of funding is imperative. Thus, the impact of finance through the granting of loans and funding to individuals to encourage housing development as well as urban development cannot be overemphasized. The study examines access to finance for hou... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an assessment of contractor s risks exposure within some standard forms of building contract in nigeria

Construction projects are subjected to several risks due to different activities involved. The activities are performed by several parties under different circumstances. Among the various stakeholders the Contractor has been identified to be the party that carries the highest number of risks. They are mostly exposed to contractual risks which occur... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an assessment of jos plateau volcanic deposits as pozzolans and its effect on blended ordinary portland cement concrete

An enormous gap exists between the production capacities of the Cement Manufacturing Plants and the demand for cement in Nigeria. Prior to 2010, Nigeria could only produce between 4 and 6.5 million tons annually as against the domestic demand of about 18 million tons. There is the need therefore to augment the local cement production by the introdu... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

experimental investigation into the structural properties of precast reinforced concrete planks

The aim of this work was to carry out experimental investigation into the properties of precast reinforced concrete planks. Three different thicknesses of planks were used for the tests; 60, 50 and 40mm. Two values of concrete cover to reinforcement were used; 20mm and 15mm. Two grades of concrete were also used; grades 25 and 30. One type of reinf... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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