Conventional concrete is porous and the network of pores allow the passage of harmful substances through the concrete internal structure thereby causing damage to the internal structure of the concrete and which resulted in consequential loss of concrete durability. Efforts have been made to protect concrete but problem still exist such as in adequ... Continue Reading
Internationally, railway stations have changed in their functions from transit point for passengers and goods leading to the introduction of new facilities in their design. However, in Nigeria, station buildings which have the attribute of passenger station have been unable to function as civil buildings providing other facilities independent of th... Continue Reading
It is the responsibility of Architects to design buildings to achieve a comfortable indoor environment. In a bid to achieve this, Architects cannot neglect any part of the building envelope design. This is the reason why it is important to study the ways of achieving thermal comfort through envelope design in resorts. The aim of this project is to ... Continue Reading
This study, Assessment of Nigerian National Carnival and its re-branding for greater appreciation. is an attempt to assess the kind of costume used during Abuja cultural carnival as well as determining their usefulness in Nigerian cultural values. The research was necessitated by the need to identify, assess, examine and provide suggestions on the ... Continue Reading
Buildings consume more than 40% of primary energy in most countries and healthcare facilities have been identified as one of the highest consumers of energy. These is due to its heavy dependence on HVAC systems for controlling indoor temperatures as well as general operations. It was further observed that the situation is more critical in developin... Continue Reading
In battling some of the most alarming situations the world is facing right now which are the climate change and global warming, architects are saddled with the responsibility of designing buildings that are energy efficient as buildings account for about 40% of the total energy use. About 40-60% is utilized in cooling the institutional building whi... Continue Reading
Ahmadu Bello University is one of the largest institutions in West African sub region and in the Northern part of Nigeria established in 1960 to carter for the knowledge quest of this part of the country and for the country in general. The university at inception in 1960 had an approximate population of 1000 student, and in 2010 had a population of... Continue Reading
With the soaring need to use innovative and sustainable materials in the construction industry, a new concrete known as Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) is currently a material of significant interest globally. The concrete has cement, silica fume, fine sand, quartz sand and fibre as its ingredients. However, silica fume and fibre are relatively expe... Continue Reading
The study is concerned with evaluating the performance of solid waste management service providers and the perceptions of stakeholders. This is with a view to identifying problems and proposing solutions for improvement of the waste management practices in Zaria Urban Area. Data for the study were obtained by the use of semi-structured questionnair... Continue Reading
Over the years, the need for energy efficient building is on the increase as the current practice of building trends consumes a lot of energy. Buildings such as hotels consume a lot of electricity in providing comfort to the occupants through mechanical cooling. The most effective way of reducing cooling load is by reducing the solar heat gained by... Continue Reading
This study examined the Effects of Constructivists Art Teaching Strategy on Students? Artistic Performance in Universal Basic Education (UBE) Schools in Abuja Metropolis. Dearth of research effort on the Constructivist teaching strategy on basic art at the junior secondary school level was identified, and research objectives, research questions and... Continue Reading
This Dissertation is an exploration of Shuruwa musical instruments and dance costumes as an inspiration for painting compositions. The study?s scope is based on the flute (Shuruwa), dance form Madamai village in Kagoro, Kaduna State. The study covers some selected dance costumes and musical instruments ranging from leather belts decorated with cowr... Continue Reading
Daylighting is a copious natural source of light from the Sun. It propagates through the walls or roof apertures into the building for visual task in architectural space. In tropical regions such as Nigeria where there is abundance in sunlight with massive untapped potential, several strategies to admit daylight are set in place which in-turn block... Continue Reading
Modern research has drawn the world’s attention towards the project manager’s soft skills as cardinal aspects of success in any project, even though the society have become more project�“oriented with large volumes in project works being done by organizations, “project results continue to disappoint stakeholders”, as such, prior research h... Continue Reading
There are different methods of measuring the overall performance of construction projects. Performance frameworks have equally been built for the measurement of different project specific objectives or components. However, the performance of stakeholder management in construction projects is not clear. Projects failure and stakeholder disastisfacti... Continue Reading