Search result(s): 271 - 285 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

the effects of the accuracy of numerical relative orientation of aerotriangulation by independent models

Aerotriangulation by independent model (AIM) was performed on Wild A-7 Autograph using wide angle photographs of average scale of 1,8000. In performing the Aerotriangulation, the relative orientation was carried out by numerical method and the model coordinates of the perspective - centre; employed for the model connections was measured. The resear... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

appraisal of stakeholder management practice in tertiary education trust fund (tetfund) construction projects

Several researchers have identified the importance of managing stakeholders as major criteria for determining project success. Project success has now extended beyond completing projects within budgets, schedule and set standards as traditionally viewed. Satisfying key stakeholders is another criteria used in evaluating project success, thus stakeh... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessing the effectiveness of public private partnership (ppp) procurement model for infrastructure development in nigeria

The study examined effectiveness of Public Private Partnership (PPP) procurement model in Nigeria, following the identification of the factors that measure the effectiveness of PPP procurement model in other countries from literature. A questionnaire survey approach was used to investigate the perception of Nigerian Construction Professionals (havi... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of professional's perception on materials management practices on construction sites in selected states in nigeria

Construction materials usually constitute a major portion of the total cost in building construction project. An essential factor adversely affecting the performance of construction projects is the improper handling of materials during site activities. This research studied the Professional’s Perception on Materials Management Practices on Constr... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

development of wood firing kiln in tertiary institutions in nigeria

The objective of this study is to provide practical approaches on how to construct wood firing kiln from raw materials available at Kankara, in Katsina State of Nigeria. The research has revealed lack of literature on the construction of kilns in the country, with the exception of few by foreign authors. The type of the kiln referred to in this stu... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

developing a framework for the marketing of quantity surveying services

The Quantity surveyor who plays a key role in building and engineering project, managing the cost from inception to the completion as cost controller has been reduced to a cost monitor. The aim of the study was to develop a policy guideline for the marketing of Quantity surveying services using the 7ps of marketing. The objectives were to investiga... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

emulation of a whitebody from selected ceramic raw materials from sokoto and kwara states suitable for casting tablewares

The problem with which this study is concerned is to identify suitable materials from Sokoto and Kwara States for the formulation of a whitebody. The purposes of the study are : - 1 . To identify through experiments the selected ceramic raw materials from Sokoto and Kwara States suitable for casting tableware. 2. To find a good workable body that c... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

exploration of the potentials of granite sawing waste in the development of ceramic bodies

The granite industry generates a large amount wastes in various grain sizes which lie in heaps in several quarry sites. This material during rainy season constitutes an unhealthy mud causing serious environmental pollution. Despite the potential economic and technological advantages these wastes offer, little is done to utilize them for other indus... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

exploring the heart-shaped yam foliage in abstract expressionism

This research explores the heart-Shaped yam foliage in painting. This study is based on the fact that several contemporary artists explore form in painting. Such forms include genre scenes, folklores, landscapes, portraits and still life with little or no attention towards experimenting in painting using Heart-Shaped Yam foliage. It is therefore th... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an evaluation of the qualitative characteristics of pattern dyed fabrics of small scale dyeing industries in some parts of nigeria

The high aesthetic value of the pattern dyed fabrics of Nigeria's small scale dyeing industries is a fact with which the world at large is well acquainted. However, the level of their performance in relation to predetermined end uses is not certain. The problem of this study therefore, is an investigation into the extent to which some parameters of... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an assessment of tourism potentials


Tourism as an agent of development, leads to a lot of benefit?s, Nigeria as a country richly endowed with a wide range of cultural and natural resource?s relative to other nation?s in Africa and on a global level, most of which are largely untapped. There are many approaches to assess these resource potentials of which studies have been done in som... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the utilization of selected local raw materials in the production of bone china

The study is concerned with the identification and use of local raw materilas in procelain production. It has the specific objective of using bone as main raw material. It is hoped that the result will be of benefit toward mass production of tableware. Material sampled were Feldspar and Quartz from Kwara State, Kaolin from Katsina State and Bone an... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

reinforced concrete design of a pair of bunkers for grains

This thesis treats the design of a pair of bunkers, each having a capacity of 200 tons of maize, using the British code of practice CP 110 and the B.S. Cp 3 chapter five for loading (to compute wind load). As a guide to practical considerations some notes are given on such factors as filling and emptying procedures, minimum angle of hopper slope an... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

appraisal of the urban management challenge of informal land delivery


Difficulty of access to land through the formal land supply system has necessitated the shift to other options for accessing land in our cities. These are considered as Informal Land Delivery System (ILDS). Since land is the pedestal upon which the fabric of the city exists and operates, it is pivotal to an efficient and effective urban management.... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

sourcing and use of clay among selected junior secondary school students


Clay is used in Nigeria for different purposes. Among these are the making of utilitarian objects such as pots, moulding of animal figures in front of houses in Yoruba land, and mixing with mud to build houses with elaborate decoration, in the north.It has been observed that some secondary school students do not use clay as a creative art material.... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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