Search result(s): 331 - 345 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

passive solutions to increase energy efficiency in the design of a shopping mall abuja, federal capital territory


The idea that shopping malls exists for all intents and purposes solely for buying and selling has long passed, Malls now boast of far greater scale in terms of both sizes and activities carried on within; and with such transcendence comes also the need to make it as affordable, comfortable and functional as possible, this is where energy comes int... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an evaluation of the characteristics of stabilized poured laterite beams reinforced with polypropylene rope

This research investigated the characteristics of cement stabilized poured laterite beams reinforced with polypropylene ropes. It was carried out with a view to first establish the suitability of laterite for cement stabilized poured earth construction and secondly, the possibilities for strengthening poured laterite elements with 3.75mm diameter P... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

evaluating the effects of building forms on thermal comfort in office buildings in hot humid areas

The problem of thermal comfort has been the major challenge faced by most office buildings. The effect of these could lead to stress, pains and reduction of work efficiency of office workers. Office buildings are considered among the most architectural buildings that consume more energy to provide comfort all year round. One of the major factors af... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

evaluating the influence of architectural character on inmates in the design of prisons in nigeria

The importance of the built environment in defining the character and behaviour of users has long been established. The architecture of any building is a reflection of the purpose the building is meant to fulfil. The prison system was introduced into the fabrics of society as a measure to instil justice and discipline. In recent times, the concept ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an investigation of computer application to painting in nigeria

This study historically, overviewed the subject and development of painting from the primordial time, to the postmodern period, bringing into focus the computer as a new medium for artistic inquiry. The background similarly overviewed the influence of the machine on various artistic forms like textile and graphic design. The problem of the study wa... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

design and fabrication of a centrifugal fan as an alternative to the manual bellows of the masaga glass beadmaking furnace


This thesis titled “Design and Fabrication of a Centrifugal Fan as an Alternative to the Manual Bellows of the Masaga Glass Bead Making Furnace in Niger State, Nigeria†was undertaken to address the furnace operational problem of the artisanal Masaga Glass Bead Makers in Bida, which is the focus of this research. The air supply to the furnace t... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

development of a post-occupancy evaluation toolkit for student hostel

The culture of assessing the quality and performance of buildings greatly increased in recent years and have become widely practiced in developed countries. In that regard several Post-occupancy protocols and toolkits have been developed for different building types and purposes. However these Post-occupancy toolkits cannot be fully utilised in dev... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

developing a harmonised framework for construction craft skills training in nigeria

Several studies on construction craft skills have identified a number of problems including ineffective training as responsible for shortages of craftsmen in the construction industry. In Nigeria, the problem of training craftsmen has been attributed to lack of a harmonised training framework. This research therefore examined existing training fram... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

exploration of clay from ankpa nigeria, for the production of earthenware and stoneware ceramics

This study explored the workability of clay from Ankpa Kogi State of Nigeria for the production of earthenware and stoneware ceramics. This research investigated a manageable area around Ankpa with clay deposits that are locally put to use by local potters, but yet to be used in contemporary ceramic. This study started with preliminary investigatio... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of the compressive strength of soil cement block exposed to npk fertilizer

The large number of farmers, especially the rural farmers, make use of NPK fertilizer for farming. These farmers lack adequate storage facilities for storing farm products. This study is aimed at determining the compressive strength of soil cement blocks (SCB) in contact with NPK fertilizer with a view to study the chemical reaction and ascertainin... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an expository and documentary study of material culture in national museum


Artifacts are ancient art products of human creation that remained one of the ways through which history is made tangible, because these collections gives an insight about the development of man. Besides, the human value placed on these cultural products (artifacts), due to their historical importance, and the desire to have a safe place for keepin... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an evaluation of housing affordability for niger state civil servants under public-private partnership (ppp) housing development

Niger state government achievement in Public housing delivery for its citizen since its creation in 1976 has been very minimal�“with just 3,000 houses provided for a population of 3,954,772 so far. Changing its delivery strategy from being the sole provider of housing, the government in 2007 opted for a new strategy of Public-Private Partnership (... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of the training needs of craft skill workers in north-western nigeria

Training of construction craftsmen in the Nigeria construction industry which should have enhanced productivity and competitiveness has suffered a lot. This study assessed craft skills training needs in the North-western Nigeria. The objectives of the study included identifying general and specific craft skill training need, extent of the need, mil... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an appraisal of atyap performing arts of zangon kataf kaduna state, nigeria (1950 2013)

AN APPRAISAL OF ATYAP PERFORMING ARTS OF ZANGON KATAF KADUNA STATE, NIGERIA 1950 �“ 2013,By Samuel Caleb.(N.C.E. Fine and Applied Arts KSCOE Kafanchan, B.A.Fine Arts, M.A Art History A.B.U Zaria) This study explored the activities of the Atyap performing arts, defining what they are by name. Chapter one introduces the background history of the Aty... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

synthesis of arabic calligraphy and mosaic effects in painting expressions

This thesis titled: SYNTHESIS OF ARABIC CALLIGRAPHY AND MOSAIC EFFECTS IN PAINTING EXPRESSIONS is a studio experiment in technique within the scope of Islamic Arts. The study explored the possibilities of creating a new method of painting Arabic calligraphy by drawing inspirations from the aesthetic qualities of the tessellation effect of mosaic ar... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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