Search result(s): 241 - 255 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

the impact of jeba dam on the spatial and economic organisation of the imediate environment of jerba

The construction of dams has become a common feature of development in many developing countries. It involves the building of a barrier across a stream, river or lake, to hold back water for single or multiple purposes. Such dams always creates positive and negative physical and socio-economic impacts on their upstream and downstream areas. Jebba D... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

moment-curvature relationship of reinforced concrete beams

Rigorous analysis of reinforced concrete members loaded into the inelastic range requires the knowledge of the relationship between moment and curvature. This knowledge is necessary for better evaluation of the deflections and possible redistribution of bending moments after cracking in statically indeterminate reinforced concrete members. In this ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the utilization of locally available ceramic raw materials for the production of balusters for balconies and staircases

The entire thesis is made up of 104 pages, 11 tables, 6 figures, 12 plates and 32 references. The problem of this study is the identification and utilization of the available ceramic raw materials for the production of balusters for balconies and staircases. The purposes of this study are to harness the locally available ceramic materials for the p... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a survey of visual aids design, production, usage and evaluation in enhancing training and capacity building

The study covered Institute for Agricultural Research, Samaru and National Agricultural Extension Research and Liaison Services both of the Agricultural complex of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria as a Case Study. The two institutions have been under the sponsorship of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Both have decades of ex... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

planning analysis of water supply in kaduna metropolis (u.r.p) thesis

The need to plan the usage of this resources is becoming more paramount nowadays hence the reason for these research. In the planning of water supply in Kaduna it has been observed that even after the existing problem have been solved there is always a reoccurrence after a period of time. The research has revealed that most of the planning done by ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

planning and control model for the construction of a large irrigation project

The planning and control of large projects have being of great concern to the Nigerian public in recent times, moreso with the current ambitious modernization of structural facilities for economic purposes, Irrigation inclusive, A review of current planning and control techniques in the construction industry was carried out using litreature review ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a postmodernist interrogation of walls of partition

This research aspires to produce kinetic hangings to be mounted on-site as commentaries on the social barriers found in Nigeria. This ideology requires breaking most art rules since traditional vocabulary is insufficient. The major objectives of this research are to, 1) Create kinetic paintings premised on relevant postmodernist theories mandated t... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

analysis of the effects of industrial landuse on adjoining areas in kaduna town

Industries in cities are the nexus of economic growth and development. However, some industries are associated with problems owing to the effluent they discharge into the environment. In an attempt to regulatetf the nuisances created by industries, government enacted industrial location policy. The policy was effected through the establishment of i... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an assessment of the suitability of ibeto clay in niger state for the production of tableware

This phenomenon is one of the problems militating against the growth of ceramic industry in Nigeria. The formulation of a clay body is a science which potters should pursue with vigour. The development of pottery depends on the understanding of the clay bodies needed in ceramic production. The discovery of Ibeto clay was a chanced discovery, couple... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a system approach to effective project management control

It is a pervasive tradition for the building process to be split up for a number of different parties to do different things at different times. There are many reasons for this but most important is the increased specialization in the process. This trend is likely to continue but yet there is need for integration since decisions taken in isolation ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

unrroductive costs in building projects

Building projects in Ahmadu Bello University are experiencing astronomical cost of construction resources especially materials, manpower, machines and overheads. Therefore clients commissioning building projects are cost-conscious and will not want to be saddled with avoidable and unnecessary expenses termed in this research as unproductive costs. ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

production of refractory kiln-shelves and props using local materials

Production of Refractory Kiln-Shelves and Props Using Local _ Materials Master of Arts, Industrial Design 1991 33 Pages, 3 tables , 3 Figures, 7 Plates. The problems of this study is concerned with exploring into the method of making good kiln-shelves and props which could be more reliable and durable using local materials that are easily obtainabl... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

reliability of the engineers estimate in selective tendering for building works

This research work deals with the investigation of the reliability or otherwise of the engineer's estimate in selective tendering for building works. The term 'engineer's estimate' as used in this work means the estimated cost of a building normally prepared for the client by his construction cost consultants just before or during tender period,bas... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

formulation of some high-fired porcelanous throwing bodies and glaze fit: akwanga local government area - resources

Thesis in Industrial Design, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, 1991. The thesis contains 13 tables, 3 maps , 12 plates, and 30 Bibliography. The problem of this study is exploring into the Local raw materials in Akwanga Local Government Area of Plateau State for the production of porcelanous throwing Bodies, glaze materials for such bodies and process... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

risk identification and assessment in housing development projects using analytical hierarchical process

The construction industry and housing subsector is fraught with risks that have the potential of negatively impacting on the achievement of project objectives. The success or otherwise of most construction and housing projects depends to large extent on how well these risks have been managed. The aim of the study is to identify and assess risk asso... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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