Search result(s): 511 - 525 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

development of grogged ceramic clay roofing tiles for poultry housing as an alternative to zinc sheets

Secondary clay obtained from Bomo, Zaria, Kaduna state was used for this research. Dry samples were fired to produce grog which was crushed and sieved to mesh 20 (840microns). Body composition was formulated with 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25% additions of grog to the clay body with the different samples sintered to three varying temperature ranges of 900oC... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

a study of painting careers of self-taught female nigerian artists nike okundaye and peju alatise

At the introduction, this thesis proposes that an observable under-representation of women artists (most especially self-taught painters) in Art Historical documentation, is the background which inspired the study. An impression that; the painting careers of self-taught female artists notably Nike Davies- Okundaye and Peju Alatise, have not methodi... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an investigation of pre-nce and direct entry requirements into fine and applied arts department in colleges of education


The study investigates the students and lecturers perception on entry qualifications of Pre-NCE and Direct Entry in Fine and Applied Arts programme in College of Education, Gashua, Yobe State and College of Education, Azare, Bauchi State. A pilot study was conducted at Federal College of Education (Technical) Potiskum Yobe State. The Study set out ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an exploration of the female facial form in painting through automatism technique

This study An Exploration of the female facial form in painting through Automatism Technique sought exploration of ways by which different shapes can be employed with the view to transform human female facial form beyond representational renditions. The exploration is based on dynamics of lines into shapes suitable for reinterpretation of the human... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an appraisal of cultural festival of afizere (jarawa) people of jos east plateau state


Cultural festivals are celebrated at different periods of the year in many communities in Nigeria.These traditional festivals vary from one culture to another. The study explores the activities of the Afizerecultural festival of Jos East, Plateau State, Nigeria. The problem of the study is centred on the lack of information on the cultural festival... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

application of bio-climatic architecture in the design of engineering complex


Bioclimatic architecture refers to the design of buildings and spaces both interior and exterior, based on local climate, aimed at providing thermal and visual comfort, making use of solar energy and other environmental sources. The aim of this research is to proffer solution to some of the problems of thermal discomfort in academic environment by ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessing the usage of spaces in academic libraries in-transition from traditional to digital libraries: proposed abu phase two library

For over two decades technology has been affecting the way libraries operate. Academic libraries have witnessed various changes with the advent of information technology, which brought about adjustment in physical space of the traditional academic libraries. Some traditional library services and spaces have become obsolete while new ones have been ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

recreational activity participation among academic staff of ahmadu bello university


Consistent recreational programme has been justified by scholars that it improves the morale and fitness of workers. Recreation therefore, increases the efficiency of workers. This is the reason why many developed nations have set aside specific periods in between working hours for compulsory recreation for workers. How well this is being undertake... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

product life cycle and environmental impact assessment of 7up bottle

Studying the life cycle of 7up bottle is of great importance not only to the producers but to the users and the entire environment.The work broadly covers the entire life of the bottle from raw materials, production phase to the end of its life. The environmental impacts include those from emissions into the environment and through the consumption ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

performance-based evaluation of cassava starch and makuba matrix for the stabilisation of compressed earth bricks

Although the major material(soil) for the production of Adobe or earth bricks isreadily available and affordable which,could provide a lasting solution to the need for affordable housing,it is not without some inherent problems.The problems associated with soil has led to drawback in the use of earth as a building material. These are lack of durabi... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

adaptation of nigerian handcraft woven and printed fabrics for apparel production and fashion appreciation

The study identified the way the introduction of modern ideas and techniques has affected the traditional set up of the Nigerian society which is gradually losing its identity because of its influence and adulterated culture. It focuses on the adaptation of Nigerian handcraft woven and printed fabrics for apparel production and fashion appreciation... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

comparative study of print based graphic design facilities in selected universities and the graphic design industry


The purpose of the study was to comparePrint based graphic design facilities in selected universities and thegraphic design industry in Nigeria, as it relates to promote the impacting of productive knowledge among professionals in the universities and Print based graphic design industry, by ensuring that the right facilities are made available in N... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

embellishment of fabrics and garments using design motifs from the costumes of the oba of benin

This study focus on the embellishment of fabrics and garments using design motifs from the costumes of the Oba of Benin.The study was motivated by the need to embellish and produce fabrics and garments using the artifacts and motifs from the costumes of the Oba of Benin in batik resist technique, therefore the problem of this study, is to identify,... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

geospatial analyses of land degradation sites


This research work used Geospatial techniques in the analyses of mine-induced land degraded areas of the Jos South LGA of Plateau State. Thus, the objectives were to establish the geometrical characteristics of land degraded sites; determine the attributes of the degraded sites; determine how the degraded areas relate to the neighbouring land use a... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

geospatial mapping of water distribution system


Mapping is a very important aspect that provides effective planning, operation and maintenance in water supply and distribution networks which is one of the most essential components of urban infrastructure. It helps in unlocking the information and identification of the actual location of points and features above and beneath the earth surface. De... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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