Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
The study identified the way the introduction of modern ideas and techniques has affected the traditional set up of the Nigerian society which is gradually losing its identity because of its influence and adulterated culture. It focuses on the adaptation of Nigerian handcraft woven and printed fabrics for apparel production and fashion appreciation.The general objective of the study is to adapt designs, produce and manipulate the product for apparel and fashion in Kaduna state. Its significance is based on educational, socio-cultural, economical and industrial.The chapter one focuses on the general background/ introduction of the study , it also examines the research problem, objective, questions, justification and significance of the study, scope and the delimitations as well as basic assumptions of the study in order to establish the general existence. In chapter two the study focuses on the review of the related books which were cited and acknowledged.In chapter three, it focuses on the methodology of the study which examines how the entire study was carried out. To this end, exploration research was carried out; other parameters of investigation used include population of the study, sampling techniques, materials and methods, data analysis. The population of the study was narrowed down to different individuals mostly youths, fashion designers, hand weavers, marketers of handcrafted apparel, elderly individuals, in Kaduna state. These were randomly selected.Chapter four contains data presentation; analysis and discussion of the result obtained from questionnaire, interview, and observational schedules administered during the field study. However the analysis is the means by which the research question formulated are answered thus carefully highlighted in the body of the discussion of the study. Responses were tabulated in frequencies and percentage with descriptive non- statistical techniques of data analysis which was later transferred into statements.Chapter five focuses on the summary of the entire study, the conclusion and recommendations of the study were largely achieved. Based on the findings the study however proffers recommendations in order to improve handcrafted weaving and printing activities and enhances it productivity in Kaduna state and Nigeria at large.
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Chapter (1 to 5) for clarity and depth.
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