Search result(s): 481 - 495 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

development of public procurement strategy for the provision of potable water infrastructure to low income urban areas (liuas)


The successful public procurement of infrastructure is an essential element in the achievement of sustainable development. This success is dependent on the procurement strategy adopted. The ability of a procurement strategy to achieve the project objectives is based on the strategy being specifically tailor made to the infrastructure type and the c... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

municipal solid waste management techniques


Urban centers in developing countries are still battling with waste management problems owing to insufficient collection and improper disposal of waste. In Kaduna North Local Government area, various techniques are still employed in waste management, such as the burning, burying, open dumping and others, but an empirical understanding is needed for... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

framework for residential greenhouse gas mitigation


There are concerns recently about the effects of emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from operation of buildings on the global climate system. Activities related to energy consumption in buildings have been identified as offering the greatest opportunity to mitigation of GHGs. It is against this background that the study set out to develop a frame... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

examining the role of graphic designers in television broadcasting stations as a segment of multimedia communication environment

Effective communication in Multimedia Communication Environments involves the Graphic designer and other professionals working as a team to achieve required objectives. Multimedia Communication Environments are typically characterized by the processing, storage, generation, manipulation and rendition of multimedia information. The participation of ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

effects of sugar as retarder on the properties of concretes made with selected brands of portland cement in nigeria

Hot weather, which is characterized by high ambient temperature and low relative humidity causes rapid setting of cement paste and difficulties during concreting. Admixtures that retard rapid setting of cement paste and modify workability of concrete are necessary to prevent fresh concrete from the adverse effects of hot weather. However, in Nigeri... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

design and fabrication of a dual-purpose waste glass processing machine

This research focused on the design and fabrication of a dual-purpose waste glass processing machine, using specific design considerations, design theories and calculations, to improve the efficiency of processing of waste glass. Recycling waste glass plays an important role in the grading and upgrading of waste glass in the environment. The post c... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assesment of the suitability of saw dust ash as fluxing raw material in soda lime silica glass production

This research was conducted to study the suitabilty of saw dust ash in glass preparations. Saw dust from Isoberlinea doka (doka), Terminalia superba (Afara), Anogeissus leiocarpus (marke) and the mix saw dust (without taking note of the wood type) were used. They were collected from local market Sabon Gari, Zaria. The saw dusts were ashed using muf... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

contextualisation of potholes on nigerian roads in painting

This thesis focuses on pothole as subject matter. Artists in the Renaissance epoch, laid much emphasis on the subject matter, while the Expressionist artists gave less importance to it. However, the coming of Pop artists, reintroduced the subject matter as a structural method in painting, by moving it from insignificance into a concrete device. The... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

creating sculptural forms inspired by the ijele masquerade

The cultural identity of African people is gradually dying, scholars likeIkwuemesi (2000) believes that; the influx of western ways of life threatened the continued existence of the foundation of Igbo culture. The situation worsened, given to the fact that most parts of Igbo land were reduced to ruins during the 1967 �“ 1970 Nigeria-Biafra civil w... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an exploration of vwana costumes for sculptural decorative columns

This study “An Exploration of Vwana Costume for Sculptural Decorative Column” seeks to use costumes from Vwana Berom as source of inspiration to create sculptural decorative columns. Vwana is a traditional first fruit harvest festival practiced among the Berom ethnic group of Plateau State, Nigeria. Different decorative column exists within and... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

addressing way-finding techniques for visually impaired person's in the design of eye-centre


Hospital is a complex structure that involves multi-functional activities which create way-finding challenges for patients and visitors in the environment, most especially the visually impaired person who normally have difficulties in finding their way around the normal day to day society. The visually impairednaturally encounter serious challenges... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an assessment of the participatory attributes of construction professionals for effective value management

Value management is a multidisciplinary team approach with a structured and analytical process for obtaining the best value. Studies carried out on Value management (VM) shows that the success of a VM study largely depends on the effectiveness of the VM team. The importance of team work can’t be underestimated as VM has been identified as a team ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of management framework for urban security


Over the years, governments at different level have made spirited efforts at curbing urban crime and violence through established institutions. Unfortunately, the war against urban crime and violence has been largely unsuccessful. This study is an attempt to assess the institutional framework for managing urban security in Gusau using the urban gov... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

characteristics of burnt clay bricks containing polythene and sawdust as additives

Over the years excessive energy consumption is one of the major problems associated with burnt bricks production. This study assessed the characteristics of burnt bricks containing polythene and sawdust as additives. Trial test was prepared from standard mix obtained from literature. It was done for different percentages of additives (0%, 5%, 10%, ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

conceptualisation of traditional gbagyi female form into minimalist painting

This research Conceptualisation of Traditional Gbagyi female form into minimalist painting observes the visual cultural representation as it relates to females. This clearly shows that though artistes have done quite a number of works using traditional Gbagyi female form, they have not exhausted the creative possibilities as the source has no explo... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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