Search result(s): 151 - 165 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

upgrading existing facilities to meet contemporary needs of user


The importance of leisure and recreation all over the world cannot be overemphasized especially with the accompanying stress of a technologically advancing world. A popular adage which says All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy or Jane a dull girl, is applicable in all strata of life regardless of individual differences, as we seek advancement... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

world bank infrastructure development fund (idf) programme: an analysis of the sustainability of yola-jimeta project

It has been observed that, most Institutional and Academic evaluation studies of projects carried out do lay more emphasis on establishing the extent to which set goals are met and their impacts on surrounding influence zone(s). The sustainability of project benefits is rarely given due consideration. This study has however delved into this neglect... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

women in artistic development


A To review relevant literature in order to find useful information regarding women and their artistic activities. B To identify women artist, who have contributed significantly to art development. C. To find out the aesthetic values of these art works. D To draw attention to problems faced by women artist and to find ways of assisting them. F. To ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

national trends in the new architecture

The whole Thesis therefore is an original work. In the frame of the Thesis still some parts of it can ' be emphasized as being the,original findings and original contribution in their specific field or of a specific kind. Among the most relevant, in the author's opinion, are the following: 1) The New Architecture or Modern Architecture is considere... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an architectural contribution towards the optimisation of urban prime space


The use to which the Urban Land is put, is largely determined by competition between potential users, such that, land would be converted from one use to another if the demand price or rent bid of one user exceeded that of another potential or the existing ones. Thus land is used for the highest and best use. Theoretically both an optimum use and op... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

towards enhancement of student s interaction through integration of facilities

Student’s interaction can be defined as a reciprocal event that requires at least two students and two actions. This interaction occurs when these students and event mutually influence one another. While on the other hand, integration is the act or process of combining two or more things so that they may work together. This thesis seeks to system... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

village resettlement scheme


In recognition of the priority given to rural development, the campaigns for the use of available local building materials and the emphasis on the culture by this country, it is the aim of this thesis: To attempt a resettlement of the displaced people given them habitation that respect their tradition, culture and architecture; And to investigate t... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

proposal for private airlines terminal building murtala mohammed airport lagos

Architecture is that field of human endeavour that concerns itself with man’s essence of being, in a comfortable environment.Architecture can only foster enjoyable experience and consequent appreciation if its commitment is total. Man has failed to recognise the fact that the architectural vocation of any particular place should be governed by th... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an expression of imagery in court buildings


Architecture has a duty to inform. Its various elements, by their individual being and creative synthesis into a physical formal and functional structure, are a reflection of a generating idea. In this way architecture becomes symbolic; it represents the ideas of the creator, who may choose to highlight an aspect of the society or part thereof. Thi... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an application of principles of biomimicry in resort design


One of the main challenges of the twenty-first century will be to bring about more sustainable human communities. The broad and diverse field of sustainability has come to be known as it helps play a central role in meeting this goal. Biomimicry, a part of it addresses the nuts-andbolts of how tourism attraction spots and its related products shoul... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the small-scale dye industry in kaduna state problems and prospects

This study sought to investigate the operation system of some small-scale textile dyeing industries in Kaduna State. This social enquiry investigated the nature of the industries and sources of raw materials. It also sought to know the significance of the industry to the people of Kaduna State and the nation as a whole. The study also has social-ec... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

application of nsibidi expression


The purpose of this study is the application of the semiotics of the Nsibidi non-verbal language system of the Ejagham/Ekoi people of Cross River State in South-eastern Nigeria and Western Cameroon. This was done in a symbolic manner, taking into consideration international construction standards and space requirements for the design of an apartmen... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

public participation in urban physical development process


Public participation has not only, emerged as a key concept in planning and development studies, but also as a major planning objective. This can be seen in the vast literature written about the concept and the increasing attempt to institutionalise the concept. There has been the tendency to see public participation as a necessary prerequisite for... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

some aspects of urban design


The capacity for natural and built elements to act as symbols and to transform onefs mental picture of a place has been implicitly understood and utilized for centuries in the building of cities. In contrast to the intuitive and pragmatic application of urban design aspects in urban development by rulers, recent analysis suggest that the process ca... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

managing land use planning


Cities are the seat of government, the financial nodes, industrial establishment centres, and indeed, the home of many kinds of people all over the world. The city structure is made up of spatial and aspatial aspects; which includes spatial views, functional organisation of community life and cultural features of the community life. The city operat... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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