Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
The whole Thesis therefore is an original work. In the frame of the Thesis still some parts of it can ' be emphasized as being the,original findings and original contribution in their specific field or of a specific kind. Among the most relevant, in the author's opinion, are the following: 1) The New Architecture or Modern Architecture is considered as being already a historically distinct architectural style and is treated consistently as any other historical style. 2) A comparison of the New Architecture with historical styles leads to the conclusion that the New Architecture has had a similar evolution to other historical styles and explains why the New Architecture behaves as any other historical style. 3) In the course of this comparison stages in the evolution of the New Architecture were found and fixed, the peak period being in the first half of the fifties of the twentieth century. 4) The present stage of the New Architecture , i.e. at the beginning of the eighties emerges as being the advanced stage of the late period (or of the Baroque period)of the New Architecture with the signs already of the search for a new style. 5) Concerning the National Variations in the architectural styles, it has been found that there are two, qualitatively different kinds, one of them related to the evolution of the styles, the second not related. The first kind is the spontaneous national variations appearing in all the historical architectural styles as a part of their natural evolution. The second kind is the conscious or deliberately created national variations which set out to be the expression of the ' national character. This kind can be found only in some styles. 6) It was realised that the spontaneous national variations begin to be distinct in the later part of the early stage and develop further to a still more distinct form, sometimes having a very specific character. Consciously created national variations can appear in any stage. 7) Causes were found for the rise of these conscious national variations: - Nationalist movements in the countries, in particular in the periods of success or glory (positive periods) or in the periods of the oppression or danger (negative periods) and still some time thereafter. - Requirements of the official decisive client, leading to Official styles (term used by the author). - Other reasons aiming to express the national identity e.g. buildings and facilities for the tourist trade, for cultural purposes etc. In the case of conscious national variations there always has to be some need for the expression of the national character. 8) In the case of Official styles required by the decisive client the basic reason was found for either the continuation or disruption of the style, when the official demand for it ceased to exist. The findings were applied to national variations which are Official styles and the explanation for their abrupt end was found. 9) Ways and architectural means for the expression of the national character in the architecture were studied and classified. Attention was paid to the national variations and means of expression of national identity in the architecture of the countries South of Sahara in particular in Nigeria, using examples from some of these countries. 10) The reason was found why in some countries national trends in the architecture appear strongly, in some of them less strongly, while in some countries they do not appear at all. 11) The reason was found why national trends in architecture are not apparent in some countries having similar conditions to others where these trends are strong (as e.g. Brazil and Venezuela in comparison with Mexico) and the causa sine qua was defined.
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