The melting of glass depends on the generation of high temperatures and suitable containers for the molten glass. Attempt is made to develop these containers for molten glass from local refractory clay materials comprising of Kaolin from Kankara Katsina State whose deposit has been found to be of economic value and ball clay from Bomo-village - Zar... Continue Reading
Tourism is not just a lucrative sector but the fastest growing industry in the world. Many people travel miles to satisfy their pleasure apatite at any destination where satisfaction can be met. But some destinations are flooded while some are scanty. There are many approaches to investigate this and many studies had been done. But despite all thes... Continue Reading
The objective of the preparation of any tourism development master plan is to provide a guide for a short, medium and long term development framework of the sector. Hence the viability of the plan is explained by the success of the implementation programme and by extension, describes the performance of the industry. In this study, a critique of the... Continue Reading
Restaurant facilities in Nigeria are fast becoming integrated into the everyday life of the country due to the demanding occupation and busy schedule of the average Nigerian. The Cream Executives in corporate Organisations also referred to as young Urban Pioneers or Yuppies are fast making their mark in every sector of the Nigerian economy. The co... Continue Reading
Synthesis of Forms: The Adaptation of Benin Symbolic Objects into Non- Figurative Sculptures is a practical studio project that involved the conceptualization, design and execution of sculpture in three dimensions. Motifs were employed as deliberate factor for aesthetics. The documentation of all concepts, techniques, finishes, photographic product... Continue Reading
The current high cost of building materials, limited technology as well as the weak economy have necessitated the development, of other ways of design and construction yet to be fully exploited. This is especially with a view towards promoting self expression through our very rich cultural heritage, using design and construction themes and methods.... Continue Reading
The Kaduna trade fair is an annual trade show that last for about a week and is organized by the Kaduna Chamber of comerce with assistance from both the Kaduna State and Federal Governments. It was started in 1974 as a local fair and attained International proportions in 1979. The fair has a good attendance and sales record and in recent times it h... Continue Reading
Global energy demand has increase tremendously overtime; constraints impose by the prevailing energy crises resulted in the search for a viable alternative of energy development. Energy sources from fossil fuels and related renewable types arc not enough due to shortage, fluctuations and the hike in price. This research intends to highlights the im... Continue Reading
For most part of ones life, one has been student of one form of formal education or the other, this fact puts one at a vantage point to advocate for the need to improve the general welfare of students. Experiences on campuses has shown that many student crises stem from inadequate provision or lack of facilities for students, declining welfare cond... Continue Reading
For the most part of ones life to date one has been a student of one form of formal education or other. From the wealth of experiences from these forms of education, one could not be conversant with one might term the student problem, this of course places one in a good position to advocate for the need to improve the general welfare of students. F... Continue Reading
All architecture proposes on effect on the human mind, not merely service to the human frame - JOUNRUSK1N The need to develop our hospitals to meet the growing health care need of our people cannot, at this point of our national development, be over emphasised. This basically is due to the threat of extinction posed to nan by diseases, some of whi... Continue Reading
meant for family chewing. But later, there was development whereby cane can be refined into sugar crystals. This was first done in Persia about A.D. 500, later the Arabian influence established the art of refining sugar in Egypt, and since then, there has been development of sugar industry world over. The history of sugar industry in Nigeria has li... Continue Reading
This thesis is historical surveys of handmade cloth embroidery in Daura Local Government, Katsina State. In doing this, literature that are relevant to the study were reviewed. Questionnaire, interview schedule and observation/ photograph were the instruments used in collecting data. In addition, descriptive, historical and survey methods were adop... Continue Reading
Among all the modern means of transportation in Nigeria, road transportation is the most popular and cheaper. This is as a result of its easy accessibility to both urban and rural centres in Nigeria. According to the Annual Abstracts of Statistics of the Federal Office of Statistics (1997), about 62 per cent of Nigerians travel by road (domestic on... Continue Reading
The North Bank part of Makurdi which is about a quarter of the whole of Makurdi is an area which is in a pathetic situation. It is really adsorb that a community which has a projected population of 30,000 in the year 2,000 AD has not been given any thought about the provision of the necessary components that are commensurate with this status. This ... Continue Reading