Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
There are different methods of measuring the overall performance of construction projects. Performance frameworks have equally been built for the measurement of different project specific objectives or components. However, the performance of stakeholder management in construction projects is not clear. Projects failure and stakeholder disastisfaction still abounds and this study establsihed the performance of Stakeholder Management (SM) in projects. Stakeholders are very crucial to the project success, and the need to evaluate the performance of stakeholder management processes remain crucial. While many works have explored different areas under SM, this research work attempted to establish the performnace of SM in construction projects. The work adopted comprehensive literature review and data collection using questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics; means, frequency, percentage and correlation analysis. The percentage of respondents that have heard of stakeholder management (SM) is 95.6% while 5.5% have not heard, and 0.6% said they did not know. However, 64.3% have conducted structured stakeholder management on project, while 30.2% have not conducted. Respondents that claimed they were unaware of SM represents 3.8%. In term of contribution of SM to project success; 12.1% believe it has extreme impact, 60.4 believe it has high impact, 25.3% claimed it has moderate impact, 1.1% stated it has slight impact and finally 1.1% stated it has no impact. The three critical success factors for SM mostly demonstrated on projects are ‘effective communication with stakeholders’, ‘Definition of project mission and objectives’, ‘Exploring stakeholders' needs and constraints to projects. Three SM performance objectives mostly achieved on projects are: Facilitate projects to move forward in a timely and effective manner, achieve collaborative and integrated project solution, Obtain good stakeholder perception. This study has been able to establish the performance of stakeholder management method in construction project. It equally established that there is a relationship between stakeholder management’s critical success factors and stakeholder management’s performance objectives. From construction professional’s perspective, stakeholder management method that is being used on projects is performing. This study has been able to establish the performance of stakeholder management in construction project. The development of structured stakeholder management method is recommended on projects in order to achieve effective result while managing project stakeholders. Success in managing project stakeholders is said to be a major factor towards achieving the overall project success. Due diligence should be placed towards ensuring the inclusion of Success Factors in the SM processes. It is recommended that further work should explore the performance of Stakeholder Management with respect to different procurement methods, especially Public Private Partnership (PPP) that has more diverse project stakeholders It is recommended that further research should explore specific organization strategies towards achieving project stakeholder performance objectives. This study is limited to the assessment of Stakeholder Management performance from practitioners’ perspective, further studies should consider the assessment of Stakeholder Management performance with focus on other project stakeholders, e.g., end users.
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