

Presented To

Department of Environmental Design

Wayfinding in any publicly accessed building has been an issue and over the years this problem has been given a low priority as an unavoidable problem, Wayfinding problems have been linked to stress-related problems and loss of productive staff time. The architecture of our existing hospitals do not adequately capture the needs of way finders, This research aims to take an in-depth study in to wayfinding and provide solution to this problem by proposing a hospital design that reflects an architectural solution to wayfinding (within Kaduna State). Three different methods of data collection were used and that include the use of a visual survey & Check list, Participant observation was used to get first-hand knowledge about the problem and use of a Space Syntax. Three healthcare institutions were selected and examined. Findings from the visual survey on the case studies conducted shows architectural clues which include, the exterior clues and the interior clues; these clues/ element assist users to identifying their waypoint. Assessment of architectural features that aid wayfinding shows that Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH) has high reflections of both internal and external clues, element such as landscape, location of entrance, placement of stairs and the location of information Centre were greatly considered. While the second and third case studies ranked low on the exterior clues some due to dilapidation of these facilities and poor maintenance. Participant observation was able to give the researcher an indepth viewer of wayfinding problem, and understand the approach that needs to be taken in providing solution at every decision point and destination zone. The field study shows that larger facilities in a pavilion layout prove to be more challenging to navigate, multiple turns and curve destabilizes the orientation of the wayfinder, but opening to the outside and placement of unique land marks and art works helps the wayfinder regain his orientation. Data obtained in the space syntax analysis shows Barau Dikko Specialist Hospital (BDSH) has the highest level of intelligibility (R2) of 0.73 Followed by ABUTH with a value of 0.33 and Yusuf Dantsoho General Hospital (YDGH) with the least level of intelligibility 0.064. The study deduce that zoning of related functions, space organization, position of spaces according to departments and providing clues within the interior and exterior of the facility is important in guiding any user of the facility. This research highlights the necessity of incorporating unique features to inform users of this environment and also suggest methods used to improve wayfinding in healthcare facilities.


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