

Presented To

Department of Environmental Design

This research sought to evaluate how architecture can be a tool to augment creativity in centres for art. Creativity is characterised by non- linear, organic and open minded ideas hence so when the environment where humans occupy is designed with such considerations in mind, the Architecture plays a very integral role in enhancing the efficiency of Artists. Artists have challenges of creative block which can be attributed to the environment and spaces they occupy also these environ can be underutilised when the building does not effectively communicate the function which it is to serve, otherwise called user-friendly design. The research highlighted the components of creativity (motivation, creative thinking, and knowledge) and how the basic architectural elements such as thermal comfort and temperature, access to nature, views and daylight, sensory change and variability, colour, noise control, less crowding, human factors and ergonomics, indoor air quality, flexibility and adaptable spaces can influence the users productivity. Also the presence of four basic spaces which are reflective space, collaborative space, and simulative space and play space cannot be left out in the design of a centre for art. The case study method of study was used using checklist, visual survey and interviews as instruments of data collection. Four art centres were purposely chosen which were: 1. Dept. of fine art, A.B.U Zaria, 2. Art and craft village Abuja, 3. Centre for art and culture Abuja and 5. Kaduna Museum. The four cases studied revealed that they succeed fairly with an average total of 64.37% in achieving centres that enhanced creativity. The best case amongst three studied with 72.96% (case 1) had high thermal comfort, access to daylight, good views and good level of flexibility in its design. The study also revealed that adopted buildings used as centre could have poor ability to boost creativity as seen in case 4 (50.62%). Therefore a stimulating environment with collaborative spaces, with extensive landscape elements, high flexibility and adaptability applied, adequate day lighting and thermal would augment effective utilisation of centres for arts and creativity as this points gave higher boost to the creative performance of cases studied. In conclusion, for a building to enhance the user?s creative outcome, features of flexibility and adaptability, Natural features and landscaping to improve the well being of the inhabitants, avoidance of adopted building for centres for art and equipped collaborative spaces are recommended.


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