Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
This thesis entitled A SYSTEMATIC ANALYTICAL EXPLORATION AND ADAPTATION OF THE SPIDER FORM IN PAINTING is a research in studio practice with the aim of producing a body of paintings that draw from the creative and aesthetic expression of patterns observed within the spider. The reoccurring mode of creative interpretation of the spider, spider web and cobweb, has been its representation in a naturalistic or semi-naturalistic manner. This means that majority of the artists who have worked with the spider or the spider web, strive no matter how subtly, to maintain its identity or some of its physical characteristics within their works. These visual expressions, aim at using the originality and ingenuity of the spider‘s design, without much or any alteration, this study however, sought to re-examine the subject matter in an analytical manner. The aim of this study is to produce paintings analytically, that draw from the creative and aesthetic patterns within the spider, its webs and cobweb. The objectives of the study are to; draw inspiration from the design elements that exist within the spider web for explorationand to infuse the inherent patterns with a vibrant palette with a view to enhancing the physical and aesthetic patterns of the spider, spider web and cobweb amongst others.A review of literature was conducted to show and appreciate the contributions of other artist‘s activities as they relate to the completion of this study. A variety of methodologies were adapted in collecting needed information for the research. The qualitative as well as the practice led methodologies were adapted for the research design because of their suitability in providing an acceptable vocabulary for the articulation of subjective meanings that accompany the works produced within the course of the research. Information gathered served as the basis for the systematic approach used within the course of the studio practice. Works produced are categorized under seven groups with the following titles: Spiders, Spider webs, Spiders in spider webs, Designs from spider webs, Cobwebs, Designs from cobwebs and Synthesis. The objectives of this study were sparsely captured in categories one to six but were specifically addressed in category seven titled “Synthesis”. Conventional media for painting and drawings were used in the production of the visual images which are presented in plates and also form a significant part of the catalogue. Findings within the course of this study show that the systematic manipulations and synthesis of the spider, its web and cobweb can give birth to aesthetically pleasing designs worthy of public display and are open to a variety of interpretations. Finally the research recommends that further research be undertaken using the subject matter in other fields of artistic practices such as Sculpture, Ceramics and Textiles.
This material is a comprehensive and well-written project, structured into
Chapter (1 to 5) for clarity and depth.
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