

Presented To

Department of Environmental Design

Intellectual creativity could be synonymous to a plant whereby, certain conditions are required for growth and optimum production without which the result is a poor yield. The performances of Nigerian Authors in recent years have been dwindling rapidly despite the formation of a parent body known as the Association of Nigeria Authors. However, one should note that creativity of a writer could be enhanced in a specialized environment, planned, designed, constructed and furnished to be conducive to protecting the flighty muse that guides the creative minds. Hence, as a link venture for economic growth, understanding of culture, peace, prosperity and universal respect of Fundamental human rights, the Association of Nigerian Authors has clamoured for development of Authors' village. It is hence on this basis that the authors' village, which shall be a proposed to be financed by the Association of Nigerian Authors. The village shall be situated, off path that leads to the main resource; the water falls, such that the tourism activities, which are primarily known with the area,' shall not be disrupted. Recommendations would also be made which, if properly implemented would foster creative writing and other academic research activities. This at least by making the area livelier, would generate more revenue for the neighboring villages and offer employment opportunities to the citizens. vi Conclusively, the provision of the Association of Nigeria Authors' village in a conducive environment, within interesting natural features will provide the stimulation and inspiration that could act as catalyst for creative writing. This could be achieved by making the village a convenient place for creative thinking/writing, convention and retreat from the hassle and bustle of city life.


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