Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
The research aims at determining the level of integration that exists between the various transport institutions/agencies in Kaduna Metropolis with a view to identifying the problems and proposing a management framework for efficient service delivery. Data for the study were obtained from the semi-structured questionnaire, participant observation and document review. The review of literature was made on the concepts, characteristics and strategies of transport in some cities of the world and indicators for assessing integration among urban transport institutions/agencies. The qualitative data were collected by administration of semi-structured questionnaire based on the yes/no and multiple question options modified Likert Scale to the representatives of institutions/agencies on ideas, opinions, and experiences. Using the questionnaires, 17 institutions/agencies with urban transport mandate were interviewed and analyzed by the use of percentages, mean scores, and grand means. The result revealed that these institutions/agencies least integrate; as the level of their inter-relationship as regards inter-agency role relationships, collaboration, consultation and information exchange is very insignificant. The observation was done by viewing phenomena and assessing them using checklist schedule method, and was used to supplement the questionnaire method. To improve integration among the institutions, the study outlined some policy directions and proposed institutional management framework and these include; all institutions/agencies with urban transport mandate need to collaborate, make consultations, cooperate and communicate at all levels so as to provide a coherent framework for effective operation, avoiding policy inconsistencies, as well as overlapping of roles and functions. There is need to prepare an integrated and common urban transport plan for common implementation by all stakeholders. Collaboration among the stakeholders should be improved through; proper coordination of their activities by the coordinating agency, and to enforce compliance to joint decisions taken by stakeholders. Consultation among the institutions should be improved through; regular holding of formal meetings and participation in joint workshops and seminars to discuss urban transport issues and formulate strategies to solving the existing problems and curtailing the future ones. Information exchange should be improved through; the provision of effective means of communication amongst the organizations in the areas of internet/telephone services, mass media, public awareness campaigns, and improving regularity of accessibility of the institutions to up to date information from other institutions/agencies. Specific routes should be designated to different modes and vehicles types. There should be designated bus stops so as to have effective parking control. The local governments should coordinate the provision of the designated intra urban transport motor parks, and bus/car stops so as to enhance effective parking control. More vehicles should be provided based on the public private partnership initiative model.
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