

Presented To

Department of Environmental Design

Alkali Vershima The development of ceramics prototype gas stove using locally available resources. The entire thesis is made up of 57 pages, six tables, eight figures, five pictures, seventeen references. The problem of this study is to develop a prototype ceramics gas stove using locally available materials. Ceramic objects are made of brittle materials and since a slight pressure can fracture them, this is generally considered a serious drawback when one considers using them to solve a structural problem. Various studies aimed at improving this property are continuing. This study is aimed at utilizing these materials, improving their strength and using them to solve the problem of this study. The study also aims at producing a prototype ceramics gas stove that will ease the difficulty encountered by cooks through the use of fire wood and kerosine. It will also encourage small scale production of gas stove devoid of the use of massive machineries as is the case with steel. There is a mass migration of people from rural to urban areas due to widespread unemployment , unequal social benefits and opportunities. The most outstanding need is to develop technologies and projects that will promote autonomous economy and social development and rely on local skills and resources rather than foreign imports. This will help compliment large scale industrial projects to create employment opportunities. Based on this, there is an increasing call by the government for an indigenous technology that is at least 50% self dependent. Therefore do it yourself and sustain the dynamic needs of the society has largely become the canon of the day. Now, with emphasis being placed on made in Nigeria goods, due to soaring cost of foreign exchange, this research aims at providing a significant solution to these problems and serving as an answer or response to calls that help solve economic and technological problem of the nation. It is assumed that the need for this project is indispensable and that there are enough resources and technologies that can sustain its production. In attempting to solve the problem of the study, the researcher employed methods which included seeking alternative materials to steel, testing them to ascertain their strength, functional capacity and economic viability. All studio test and experiments were successful, Based on these experiments, the following findings were made: That effective and accurate combination of Silica, Kaolin, Alumina, Fire clay in correct percentages yielded the desired body for the construction of gas frames. And that Silica, Alumina Bone ash, Fire clay and fine grog in correct proportions proved positive in the construction of burner tip for gas burning. Findings also showed that the gas stove frame is free from corrosion and rust commonly associated with steel. And that it is rigid, compact and strong enough to withstand impact weight and heat from gas burning. The choice of aerated burner design and the materials for its construction showed that blue and luminous flame cannot only be achieved with steel materials. Considering the significance and indispensability of ceramics in our day to day use as well as in national development and academics. One hopes that the study will not only contribute to the body of knowledge in industrial sector of ceramics but will serve as useful tool on the house hold chores and also ease the problem encountered by cooks in the use of fire wood and kerosine


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