Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
Water transport in the world has increased considerably in recent years, particularly Rivcrport terminals, from small ports to increasingly complex ones. Problem ranging from strict environmental constraints to escalating labour and construction cost beset today's rivcrport terminal facilities. Nigeria is endowed with rivers Niger, Benue, Katsina-.ala, Donga, Taraba, Gongola, Zamfara, Sokoto, Rima, Kaduna, Cross Rivers and Creeks. In the Delta, they are almost the only means of communication. Light freight ships barges and boats arc mainly used on these rivers and creeks. These rivers however have potentials for improvement. The Federal government in recent years has made efforts to improve the two major rivers in Nigeria for commercial river transport in the hinterland thereby instigating the dredging and development of rivcrport terminals on these two rivers being river Bcnuc and river Niger. Makurdi port is one of the major rivcrport terminals along the river Bcnuc selected by the Federal government for development. It is in line with these and to respond to waterfront conditions in order to have a well-planned development that adequately meets the standards for a riverport that this thesis research was undertaken. Waterfront development encompasses many separate entities, which arc often interrelated in design and function. The term River Port Terminal conveys an association with water transport components, ship repair services, new or used boat.
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Chapter (1 to 5) for clarity and depth.
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