

Presented To

Department of Environmental Design

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative effectiveness of the graphics and copy appeals used by advertisers with regards to the degree to which the audience responded to them in print and television media. The specific objectives were to: (a) evaluate the relative effectiveness of the graphics and copy appeals that appeared in print and television media; (b) determine the relationship of the media owner, advertiser and advertising agency in the creative process of advertising; (c) determine the level of competence of the media owner, advertiser and agency in advertising; (d) ascertain the frequency and depth of the utilization of print and television media; (e) determine whetherthe rate, space provision and schedule by newspaper, magazine and television proprietors are conducive to the use of the print and television media advertising; (f) evaluate the level of awareness of the audience in terms of the roles of print and television advertising. Four sets of questionnaire were administered, one each to the media owners, advertisers, the advertising agencies and the audience. Data collected were assigned scores and converted into frequencies, percentages, standard deviation in analyzing and computing the results of the study. Among the findings of the study were: 1. The effectiveness of the graphics and copy appeals utilized in the adverts for the media was above average for colour (65%) and below average for black and ix ite (40%). Colour adverts attracted more attention than the black and lite. 2. While the relationship between the media owners, advertisers and advertising onces was stable, there were areas of dissatisfaction such as unsatisfactory native work and failure to settle bills promptly. 3. 'The level of competence of the media owners, advertisers and agencies were on the average satisfactory. However, poor performance in certain areas of advertising was due to either low or inappropriate entry qualification of the practitioners. Television had the highest utilization rate by advertisers as an advertising medium. The high cover price of the newspapers and magazines and the convenience of listening to the radio or watching television were the reasons for low utilization of the print media. The cost effectiveness of the advertising media was favourable to the media owners, advertisers and agencies since it was the product consumer that eventually bore the cost. While the media audience with higher level of education and income were better informed about the role of advertising, those with lower level of education and income were unconcerned or did not care. Based on the conclusion of this study several recommendations for planning and implementing effective advertising as well as areas for future research were suggested.


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