

Presented To

Department of Environmental Design

The problem of very high wind velocity is not new to Sokoto and its environment. Windstorm had been a seasonal affair, and has become a very serious regional hazard . Despite the seriousness of this phenomenon, the authorities concerned have done nothing to see that this pehnomenon is thoroughly investigated, and appropriate solutions found to prevent future occurance. The Sokoto International Airport Terminal Building is one of the victims of this neglect. The otherwise beautiful terminal was reduced to debris after a devastating windstorm in May, 1984. A few months after it was commissioned. The roof, a steel space frame structure was uplifted from the windward side by the storm and thrown backwards breakung some columns on the lee-ward side as it went, causing some serious structural damage to the building itself. It is the intention of this thesis, therefore, to findout why the Sokoto Airport Terminal building have been an architectural failure due to lack of consideration for the wind effects in this region. It is hoped that by end of our investigations, greater insight into this inconspicuous and invisible, yet powerful phenomenon - the wind will be gained. And solution not only to the Terninal building, but other buildings in general will be provided. Bearing in mind our present economic predicaments, and need to maintain other existing infrastructure like the runway, parking area, access roads and the control tower. An attempt will be made to produce a new Terminal Building, that is functional, practical and financially feasible. And ofcourse extensive use of locally available materials.


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