(A CASE STUDY OF JOS. 1975-89)



Presented To

Department of Environmental Design

The disparity between planning theory and planning practice creates problems in Jos which are typical of those in Nigerian urban area3 and probably other urban areas elsewhere in the world. This thesis constitutes an attempt to study the processes of preparing and implementing urban development plans in Jos urban area, and the nature of problems encountered. The first section of the study comprises the introduction centred on the statement of problem, aim, objectives, scope and limitations followed by a discussion on a profile of the study area, Jos. The origin of its planned development is traced from the early twentieth century to the present time. A second section of the study is literature review of implementation processes, concepts and empirical studies of implementation of plans. Existing legislative, administrative and economic frameworks are unsuitable for the present needs of planned urban growth. The third section is an assessment of the planning law as the theoretical framework and the practice to define a planning scheme, the procedure for preparing and implementing the scheme as compared with the practice. Thus the planning scheme is any plan for planned spatial and socio-economic development of the area the scheme affect. This makes it a concept and tool for controlled development of the urban areas and in practice the layout plan is a subtitude of the theoretical planning scheme. Jos is situated within an area that is restricted in terms of availability of developable land and section four comprises an . -viievaluation of the practice to deine the major constraint to planning. The following variables were identified as physical features, changing land tenureship and financial management for ; Implementing layout plans. Section five concentrates mainly on the measures to be taken to improve physical planning in the light of the issues raised from the existing legislative, administrative and financial matters. The measures include the establishment of a planning authority which effectively involves the local government office charged with the implementation of layout plans State wide. The funds for implementation are to be mobilised from individual allottees to realise area cost of development. Thus the layout becomes self capital generator for its implementation. It is upheld that the problems of implementation in Jos stem from the lack of executing some of the most fundamental and basic provisions of the planning law. It is therefore suggested that planning laws be enforced to deal with the increasing social, economic, physical and management problems that bedeviled Jos although the planning law should be reviewed and revised. Measures for the implementation of layout plans are therefore regarded as crucial if planned development is to be achieved. The last part is a brief summary of what the study covered.


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