

Presented To

Department of Environmental Design

urban renewal programme is an intervention package to solve problems confrontinf blighted parts of Urban Centres. The problems are physical, environmental, socio-cultural and adminsitrative in nature. The problems of blight include inadequate and low maintenance level of infra-structural facilities, inadequate planning and implementation of development projects and lack of well-defined approaches to renewal programmes toward blightedness. This adversely threatens the environment which undergoes the decay process. Blightedness is intensified at the. periphery where haphazard development and pressure in exacted on the utilities and services. Owing to population growth largely accounted for by the influx of migrants to the cities. The study addresses itself to the types and nature of blight in Kaduna metropolis, with a view to evolving the most appropriate Urban renewal programme. The study is able to achieve this through measuring blightedness using the method of rough screening, weight and expontial method and multiple Index Survey. The parameter measured also include physical and socio-economic conditions. The study inferences shows that blights grow from both planned and unplanned areas as well as core and peripheral areas, where immigrants first settle and the problems grow rapidly. At the periphery, there are less activities of physical planning authorities. Rigasa, which is at the periphery of Kaduna is the most blighted as revealed by the results of the multiple Index Survey. This needs long term programme as the solution. Majority of the residents (49 Percent) are low income earners, that is NO-150 per month; They are mainly unskilled employees in trade business. About 40 percent of the residents live (vii) in rented accommodation at N25.00 per month which is cheaper, as this type of accommodation will cost N40.00 or more at the core area. This ares lacks adequate infrastructure and services and maintenance. Many deficiences were identified in planning implementation which leads to environmental and housing problems. However, the close relationship between Rigasa and rest of Kaduna Metropolis is shown by the fact that 60 percent of its inhabitants work within the Metropolitan central area. It is therefore imperative to arrest blight in the interest of the whole metropolis. The Urban renewal programme adopted is preventive and curative upgrading measures currently in use in some Nigeria cities.


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