This research study was titled “Stakeholders? Perceptions on Provision and Utilization of Resources in North-Central Zone, Nigeria”. Four objectives were formulated for the study, two of which were to assess the perceptions of stakeholders on provision and utilization of human resources in secondary schools in North-Central Zone of Nigeria and ... Continue Reading
The researcher adopted ex-post-facto design. The populations for the study were 416 NCE II Secretarial Students of five Federal Colleges of Education who formed as population of the study. There was no sampling owing to the small number of the population. Three research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation. Pearson Product Mome... Continue Reading
The study was carried out to investigate student‘s perception of the determinants of enrolment in agricultural education programme in colleges of education in Kwara State, Nigeria. The study used survey research design. The population of the study consists of one thousand one hundred and ninety eight (1198) from where Three hundred (300) responde... Continue Reading
The study was guided by three objectives, three corresponding research questions and three null hypotheses. However, the study used traditional rulers and staff selected from emirates and chiefdoms of Kaduna State, Nigeria which constituted. A population of 570 and two sampling techniques namely; proportionate stratified sampling and simple random ... Continue Reading
The findings of the study among others revealed that Problem-solving teaching method has significant effects on students’ academic performance in financial accounting in senior secondary schools in Kaduna State, cooperative teaching method had more effects on students’ performance in financial accounting in senior secondary schools in Kaduna St... Continue Reading
This study employed correlational design in finding the relationship between home background and academic performance among secondary school students in Jigawa State. The population is 626 students. The sample of the study was made of 242 students, drawn through proposionate and simple random sampling techniques. The Instrument used to collect data... Continue Reading
This study investigated the impact of cooperative learning strategy on process skills acquisition and performance in chemistry among secondary school students, Zaria Kaduna State, Nigeria.The population of the study comprised of 1743 SS II science students in Zaria Education zone. Non - random sampling was used to get the sample for the study. The ... Continue Reading
This study determined the relationship between achievement motivation and academic performance among science senior secondary schools students in Kano state, Nigeria. The study employed correlational design. The study was also guided by four (4) objectives, four (4) research questions and four (4) hypotheses. The population of the study consisted o... Continue Reading
The study was motivated as a result of growing number and strength of Islamiyyah Schools that appear to have dominated Makarantan Allo and Makarantan Zaure, which Zazzau Emirate became popular in the world through them. In view of this, the research adopted survey research design where necessary Data was collected. Zazzau Emirate has eleven Local ... Continue Reading
This dissertation is on the comparison of health related physical fitness status of male and female basketball and handball players in Borno state, Nigeria. To achieve this purpose, five (5) purposes of the study, five (5) research questions and five (5) hypotheses were used to guide the study. Quasi �“ experimental research design was used in thi... Continue Reading
The study was designed to analyze the Performance of Students in Vocational and Technical Subjects in NECO/ SSCE 2013-2017.Problems such as poor school infrastructure, lack of qualified teachers, poorly equipped workshop and laboratories affect the teaching and learning of vocational and technical subjects. In view of this, the researcher deems its... Continue Reading
To achieve this purpose repeated measure research design was used for this study. The population for the research was obese female adults of Kaduna metropolis. Using purposive sampling, 17 obese female adults with body mass index between 30.0 and 39.9 kg/m2 and ages of 40 - 50 years who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected for thi... Continue Reading
The study assessed the effects of resistance training on selected biomotor abilities of male football players in Federal College of Education (FCE), Kontagora, Nigeria. Twenty (20) male football players within the age range of 18-29 years participated in the study. They comprised all the playing positions of the football game; that is defence, midf... Continue Reading
The statement of the problem was the challenges of integrating information and communication technology ICT into tertiary institutions was a very big task, many teachers and students still lack adequate training and competence in using computer as a tool for effective teaching and learning. Six objectives of the study, determine the extent of use o... Continue Reading
For the purpose of this research, five research objectives were set to examine the procedure for recruitment of staff in the Ministry of Education in Nasarawa State; assess the guidelines for selection of staff in the Ministry of Education Nasarawa State; ascertain the criteria for placement of staff in the Ministry of Education in Nasarawa State. ... Continue Reading