The study was conducted to find out about the utilization of Business information for rural entrepreneurial development in Kaduna State. The objectives were to identify the sources of business information, the extent of use of business information, the reasons for using business information, the extent of satisfaction with business information and ... Continue Reading
The objective of the study was to assess the application of ICT in the Technical Services Sections of Polytechnic Libraries in Nigeria. Thus, the study tried to discover, among others, the types of ICT facilities available in the Technical Services Sections of Nigerian Polytechnic Libraries, routine operations in Technical Services Sections of Nige... Continue Reading
This research on the evaluation the challenges of universal basic education programme in Niger state had the following as objectives; to examine teacher factor challenges, social �“ factor challenges, population explosion factor challenges, gender factor challenges and environment factor challenges. Research questions and hypotheses were formulate... Continue Reading
The study investigated the effect of some non-psychological variables on public secondary school dropouts in Kaduna state. To guide the study, four research questions were asked and answered, four Null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population consisted of all the dropout students aged 14-19 years from publ... Continue Reading
The study aimed at determining the perceived efficacy of Non-pneumatic Antishock garment in tertiary hospitals of Northern Nigeria. That is the North West, North East and North central. An Ex-post facto research design was used for the study. The population of the study included doctors and nurses from selected tertiary hospitals. Stratified random... Continue Reading
This study appraised the Internal Quality Assurance Practices of Home Economics Programme at Colleges of Education in the North-West Geo-political zone in Nigeria. In line with this, seven specific objectives, seven research questions and seven null hypotheses were raised for the study. Related literatures on quality assurance were reviewed. The st... Continue Reading
The study was conceived with the major objective of investigating the Effectiveness of the Cognitive Restructuring and Systematic Desensitization techniques in the Control of HighStakes Test Anxiety among Final Year Secondary School Students in Kaduna Metropolis. It was also to ascertain which of the two techniques was more effective in controlling... Continue Reading
This study investigated the effects of lesson planning and delivery skills on students? performance in Christian Religious Studies (CRS) in Senior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State. The objectives of the study were: to find out the perception of CRS teachers on the effectiveness of delivery skills on the performance of students in CRS in private an... Continue Reading
IT-based insruction in contemporary education has the potentials to accelerate, enrich and deepen skills, and provide opportunities for connection between the school and the world of globalisation. It has been observed that since the introduction of mordern IT-based insruction into mordern teaching and learning process, social studies education is ... Continue Reading
The study investigated effects of Activity-Based teaching strategy on academic achievement and retention in Basic Science concepts among junior secondary two students. A sample of 80 JS 2 Basic Science students were randomly selected made up of 37 male and 43 female, pre �“ tested and categorized into experimental and control groups. The subjects ... Continue Reading
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of advance organisers on the performance and retention of ecology concepts among senior secondary school students in Giwa educational zone. The study was conducted using a population of 145 students from G.S.S Kwangila (n=70) and G.S.S Basawa (n=75), using intact classes. The subjects through rand... Continue Reading
The research was to determine the effects of determined socio-cultural house forms on home activities among native occupants in Adamawa State. Five objectives and five research questions were formulated with five related null hypotheses. Survey research design was employed for the study. The population for the study was fifteen thousand, one hundre... Continue Reading
The study was on the, “Evaluation of availability and Maintenance of Facilities in Tertiary Institutions in Kaduna State”. The study was set to examine the availability and maintenance of learning facilities, teaching facilities, welfare facilities, and sport facilities, among others. Research question such as what are the available learning fa... Continue Reading
The patterns of scientific communication among users of three research centres in Samaru, Kaduna, and Vom, all in the northern part of Nigeria were studied at various times between 1977 and 1979 Two types of questionnaire were distributed in the pursuit of the study. One set of the questionnaire was distributed to the Users i.e. the researchers of ... Continue Reading
The purpose of this research is to determine the effects of participatory approaches on the teaching of essay writing in English among Class Two students of two public senior secondary schools in Fagge Local Government Area. In order to do this, fifty students apiece were selected from an SS II class in each of the two randomly selected senior seco... Continue Reading