The researchwork investigated the influence of availability and utilization of instructional materials on academic performance of agricultural science education students in Federal Colleges of Education in North-central zone, Nigeria. The study was guided by three specific objectives, three research questions, and two null hypotheses. Descriptive s... Continue Reading
The study specifically determined the Influence of democratic leadership style practices of provosts on human resource management in Colleges of Education in North- West, Nigeria; ascertained the Influence of democratic leadership style practices of provosts on material resource management in Colleges of Education in North-West, Nigeria; examined t... Continue Reading
This study examines the Influence of Training Programmes on the Job Performance of Senior Secondary School Teacher in Niger State, Nigeria. To guide the study, five (5) objectives were formulated which includes; assess the influence of workshop programmeson teachers job performance in Niger state, and determine the influence of seminar programmes o... Continue Reading
The study was guided by six (6) objectives, research questions and corresponding hypotheses. The work adopts descriptive research design it has total population of six thousand one hundred and one (6,101) students out of which 365 was selected as the sample for the study. Questionnaire titled Civic Education as Tool for promoting entrepreneurship s... Continue Reading
The study investigated the sense making of health of diabetic information among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. To achieve the objectives, the study raised six research questions: (1) What complications do type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Zaria metropolis experience?(2) What information do type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Zaria metropoli... Continue Reading
The study tends to examine the prospects and problems of selected public libraries in India and Nigeria, a comparative study. Despite the growing importance of public libraries in national development, the number of functional Public Libraries has been diminishing, especially in Nigeria. Survey design was adopted for the study and instrument used f... Continue Reading
This research work examines simply the problems facing location of computer centres in rural areas. A case study of Egor local government area of Edo state. The research was focus on the problem, socio-economic status, and industrial reference to Egor as a rural area. Relevant literature from both textbooks, newspaper, journals etc were reviewed to... Continue Reading
The impact of globalization on the education system is overwhelming as it has greatly affected not only the curriculum of but also the instructional process including the entire system. This study examines how to optimize the teaching of entrepreneurship education in tertiary institutions in Nigeria within the context of the globalised competitiven... Continue Reading
This research work was designed to find out the effect of poverty on the academic performance of students in some selected secondary schools in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. Continue Reading
Studies have shown that in the study of Chemistry, students perceived bonding, chemical reaction and particulate nature of matter to be difficult. This is reflected in poor performance in tests involving these concepts. It seems that the Federal Ministry of Education, recommended instructional strategy, guided discovery is not yielding the desired ... Continue Reading
The study examined the effects of guided Inquiry method on academic performance of chemistry students in selected senior secondary schools in Kaduna state. The study used a quasi-experimental research design.A sample of 120 senior secondary 11 (SS2) chemistry students were selected by random sampling from 2 urban and 2 rural schools which comprised... Continue Reading
This study focused on â€�“An assessment of the management of students’ Welfare services in universities in three Geo-Political Zones in Northern part of Nigeriaâ€Â� The study was specifically interested in finding out the types of welfare services available in the system and the impact they have on the students’ behaviour.... Continue Reading
This research work examined the Nigeria Union of Teacher (NUT) and the Management of Crisis in Education in Ilorin West Local Government Area. The instruments used in the data collected were analyzed by the use of percentages and the statistical chi square test. A questionnaire named â€�“ the impact of the NigerianÂÂ� Union of Teacher on the Ma... Continue Reading
The study is to examine the problems associated with broken homes and how it affects the education of children from such homes, it is hoped and believed that this study will enlighten teachers of the problems children from broken homes have to contend with,with a view to helping them adjust properly to learning situation. The study is equally ai... Continue Reading
The high rate of truancy in town calls for attention. It could generate to pupils not performing very well academically. It could also lead to various forms of criminal, damage, robbery with violence and abusive conduct etc. Continue Reading