This study investigated“Efficacy of Concept-Mapping Instructional Strategy on Retention and Performance among Basic Science Students with Varied Abilities in Zaria, Kaduna, Nigeria”. A sample of 120 JSS students were randomly selected from the population of 3,729 students. The sample emerged after pretesting 1,327 students who were randomly sel... Continue Reading
The study was on the Impact of School Facilities on Students‘ Academic Performances in Public secondary schools in Zaria and Giwa Education Zones in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study was conducted with the objectives among others to: determine the Impact of Teaching Facilities, Learning Facilities, Welfare Facilities, Health Facilities on Students... Continue Reading
This study investigated the “Impact of Staff Development Programmes on the Performance of Teachers in Secondary Schools in Yola Metropolis, Adamawa State”. The study raised five objectives, these are: to determine the impact of in-service training on the performance of teachers in secondary schools, examine the impact of conference on the perfo... Continue Reading
The study examined the Impact of Linear Programmed Instructional Strategy on Anxiety and Performance among Secondary School Biology Students in Tarauni, Kano State, Nigeria. The study was a quasi-experimental control group design employing the use of pretest and posttest. The size of the population was 2493. A sample of 202 students was randomly se... Continue Reading
This study assessed the Perceptions of stakeholders on the management of secondary schools in Zaria Education Zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study had five objectives, some of which were to ascertain the Perceptions of MOE officials, principals, teachers and PTA officials on the management of staff development and internal communication in second... Continue Reading
The study was carried out to determine the impact of instructional video on basic technology student?s academic performance in Junior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the impact of instructional digital video disc on the academic performance of students taught basic technology. It also ... Continue Reading
This study Investigated “POSITION OF ISLAM ON FINANCIAL CORRUPTION WITHIN THE STAFF OF MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND ITS EFFECT ON TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS IN SENIOR SECONDRY SCHOOLS KADUNA STATE” the research has explained five chapters, chapter one deals with introduction, statement of the problem, significant of the study, research question... Continue Reading
This study examined the Impact of ASEI Strategy on mathematics Performance of primary six pupils in Zaria Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study was guided by three objectives, three research questions and three null hypotheses. A pre-test Post-test quasi experimental research design involving two groups (one experimental and the... Continue Reading
The study entitled “The Effects of Hausa Dialectal Differences on the Motivation and Writing Performance in some Hausa of NCE Students in Northern Nigeria Colleges of Education” Examined the effects of Hausa dialects (the features of grammar and vocabulary, as well as aspects of pronunciation of different dialect boundary that speaks the same l... Continue Reading
This study examined the impact of community resource-based teaching method on drug use and awareness among junior secondary school students in Kano state, Nigeria. In order to facilitate the study, eight objectives were stated to reflect the areas of interest of the research. Eight research questions were drawn arising from the stated objectives an... Continue Reading
The study examined the impact of Social Studies Education on youth restiveness in Kaduna State. The study raised three (3) objectives, three (3) research questions and three (3) hypotheses. Descriptive research design of survey type was used in the study. The population of the study total was 25, 307 students spread across 36 public secondary schoo... Continue Reading
The main purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of social problem solving skills programme in the treatment of social cognitive deficiency among male secondary school students. The quasi-experimental equivalent control group design was adopted for this study. Three male schools in Sokoto metropolis were randomly selected, pre-test... Continue Reading
Since the establishment of the 'Nongo u Kristu u ken Sudan hen Tiv' (NKST) Church in 1911 and the later autonomy in 1957, the Church has remained dogmatic, not willing to change anything from her practices or operational bureaucracy to match with the changing times. This unchanging attitude has created a fertile ground for Pentecostalism to have th... Continue Reading
This study was designed to investigate Christian participation in politics in Kaduna S t a t e . T h e sample of 250 respondents was randomly selected from churches of various backgrounds in Kaduna State. Specifically the research was focused on the relationship between politics and religion, biblical teachings onpolitics, advantages of being invo... Continue Reading
The research work titled "Modern Perspective of Life Science In the Glorious Qur'an: Synthesis and Analysis of Muslim Scholars Views" is an attempt to highlight the Divine Literature and some ideas of modern scientists on areas related to animals, human embryology, and plants. The objectives of the study are to point out some scientific miracles of... Continue Reading